Not entirely sure he is human. 🤔

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He is Giddy! Is he a sociopath? Normal people do not giggle and act a fool given the circumstances. What in the world is wrong with this creature?

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Yep Green screen studio.

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Peggy, you are not off at all. When I first saw this interview with Newscumb! , the weird gestures, especially the one where it looks like he’s trying to make a basket, Playing basketball or something?? and all the smiling was really offputting! These demon Democrats and globalists cannot hide the glee that they have and excitement like you mention of all the plans that they have to “build back better”! Better for whom?

They can barely even pretend that they are sad or upset about these fires and the devastation to lives that they are bringing. They can barely pretend because they’re all just phonies, and we know there are some big bucks behind these people pulling strings, under the guise of climate change, and environmental needs and saving the Earth!?

maybe Klaus Schwab, or his strange son, or Bill Gates? who knows?

I do appreciate your deeper thinking on these fires and other issues we are facing. I continue to sleep with one eye open regarding all politicians, policy makers and big corporations. Power, ill-begotten, surely corrupts.

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Peggy im putting my comments here. Youtube keeps deleting/censoring them and its frustrating me bigtime.. Here was one I just did.. Peggy you asked who is taking footage of the fires.. onscenetv has reporters who put out crystal clear fire footage of these fire. And yes they were the ones who took that "staged viral vid shot" of the fireman filling up womens handbags on the 7th.. Here is there channel https://www.youtube.com/@ONSCENETV/videos

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100% spot on! Their wording is very suspect and revealing

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He’s been MK ultra’d

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Need to look into the homes still standing and see if whether or not they had the old school analog meters rather than the newer "smart meters" I just called SoCal Edison to come switch ours out!

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He is off his nut on something and psychopathic for real. He is excited as he is set to make lots of money and please his masters. Doesn’t care about anyone except himself. Hopefully he will be stopped like all the other villains.

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That 'news' interview, with Satanist Gruwsom.......no one notices that they are NOT 'on location'......that it is FAKE?!??!

In the actual NBC video, at around 26 seconds....when the camera gives us a wide shot of the two of them standing in front of a burned-out house.......

LOOK AT THE FEET of the 'reporter'. The STONE STEP.....look at where the 'reporters' FEET are SUPPOSED TO BE! Are the 'reporters' FEET UNDER THE STONE STEP????? lolololol


As I was first watching this 'news' clip, when Peggy was showing it......it LOOKED FAKE!

Isn't it STILL supposed to be WINDY......yet neither of these guys' hair is being 'wind-blown'?? (NOPE!) 'News' guys jacket.....NOT being 'wind-blown'?......and Gruwsom isn't even wearing a jacket, in 'winter', in a 'wind-blown' area??

COMPLETELY FAKE 'on location' 'news' interview!

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That's what I was thinking! Why is he echoing if he's outside? It's a green screen! FAKE AS F...!! All the world's a stage!

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I think Newscum got his inspiration from watching the prosecutor in my cousin vinny talk to the jury. "I-👏-dentical"

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“we’re back”, “we have your back”

“come back”’”‘don’t leave”

So? where did you come back from New some? Why didn’t you have their backs prior to the burn? Is this a controlled demolition to burn/ build back better? Sure sounds like it.

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didn’t look ahead in planning at all prior to fires though did he?

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Your reporting on New Scum is very good.

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New scum

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L a n d. G r a b.

15 minute city.

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