I admit I don’t regularly watch Newscum’s press concerts (yes, you read that right) because I try to shield myself from the public serpents as much as possible.
So I’m probably behind the times when it comes to seeing just how downright creepy this creature’s performance is when it comes to his voice, gestures, facial expressions and body language.
I mean what kind of psychopathic weirdo laughs with glee while describing the utter decimation of a major city in the state he is supposed to be managing, not destroying?!
Watch my video above for my full analysis, or look here for an edited short version:
You’ll see that during his recent interview with NBC News, Gruesome Newsom dropped hints about his plans to take "swift legal action" against so-called “predatory” land speculators. What does this mean exactly? No one knows—Newsom didn’t bother with those pesky details. But judging by his track record, it’s safe to assume this isn’t a pro-freedom initiative.
Let’s break it down: If someone owns property and decides to sell it, shouldn’t that be their right? Isn’t the beauty of the free market that a willing buyer and a willing seller can strike a deal? Newsom’s plan seems to disagree. Critics argue this is less about protecting vulnerable communities and more about giving the government greater control over private property.
Sound familiar? That’s because it mirrors recent moves by Hawaii Governor Josh Green, who imposed a moratorium on land sales in fire-devastated areas of Maui. Green claimed this would protect residents from being preyed upon by opportunistic buyers. Translation: “Daddy Government knows best.” But instead of ensuring fairness, it really just strips individuals of their autonomy.
Newsom proudly declared, “We’re already working with our legal teams to move those things forward,” adding that proposals will be presented “in a matter of days, not weeks.” That’s lightning speed for a government that can’t seem to manage water reservoirs, fund fire departments, or prevent devastating wildfires. But hey, when it comes to land grabs, urgency reigns supreme.
And let’s not forget the “convenient timing.” Los Angeles is gearing up for the 2028 Olympics with grand redevelopment plans. [Stay tuned to my Youtube channel here for my upcoming deep dive on “SmartLA.” What better excuse to take control of prime real estate, no?? What say you?
The idea of prohibiting “unsolicited offers” sounds noble on the surface. But is it? If someone wants to sell their property—whether for a tidy profit or simply to escape California’s madness—they shouldn’t need government approval. Many of us have received real estate flyers or calls from agents; it’s called marketing. Yet Newsom wants to criminalize these transactions, portraying them as predatory.
The cherry on top? Talk of using eminent domain to acquire land in disaster-affected areas “for the public good.”
Newsom’s not alone in this. Remember Josh Green's chipper demeanor while discussing rebuilding after Maui's fires? It was hard to miss the performative hand gestures and forced sincerity. Newsom’s recent press conference was equally tone-deaf—complete with smirks and chuckles while talking about this tragedy.
When watching the video — notice that this appears to have been filmed on a green screen, meaning they probably standing in a filming studio, and not outdoors. Then, I want you to pay close attention to this weirdo’s body language. Not just his gestures—which, to me, look entirely staged—but his overall demeanor. Let’s dissect it together. These movements, repetitive and deliberate, feel less like natural communication and more like a performance, almost hypnotic in nature. When you see constant motions like this, it’s worth asking: What’s the intent? Is it to emphasize the message or to keep the audience in some sort of trance?
Honestly, with all these over-the-top gestures, I can't decide if he's hypnotizing us or just trying his best at a sign language crash course.
Alright, real talk—any sign language interpreters out there? Can you verify if any of those gestures are legit, or is he just on a serious caffeine bender?
Of course, I’m no stranger to animated gestures. I talk with my hands, full of energy and vigor. But the difference here? These motions seem calculated, rehearsed, and… almost artificial. It’s as if there’s an underlying attempt to guide your focus—or maybe even manipulate it. You can test this theory yourself: Watch the video without sound and observe the gestures alone. Do they feel authentic or forced?
The “333” Moment (in the first 00:06 seconds of the clip)
Now, I’m not one to let things slide without scrutiny. Did you catch the triple “three” reference? “Three weeks, three months, three years ahead…” Could he have chosen another framing? Certainly. But there it is, front and center, for anyone paying attention.
When your state’s in crisis mode, but you just got promoted to top puppet in the New World (Dis)Order:

He also discusses “rebuilding to more modern standards,” we know what that means—probably eliminating the ability to have single-family homes. I mean, even in San Diego, they’re passing legislation that drastically reduces permits to build single-family homes because they want those apartments and stacks. Maybe he’s just too 'jovial' because he's so excited about all the plans to get rid of single-family homes and replace them with apartments and stacks.
I apologize for exposing you to that disturbing video of Newsom, but didn’t you think he was a bit too chipper talking about flooding, fires, and those bizarre gestures? I'm going to keep following these stories, friends. Tomorrow, I’ve got a special in-depth interview with my friend Robert Brame, a self-described forensic arborist. He studies how trees burn, their water content, burn potential, and the heartwood in the center of the tree. We’ll be breaking it all down step by step, looking at past fires in California, and then focusing on what’s been happening here in Palisades, the Eaton fire, and others.
My heart and prayers are with everyone affected by this unfathomable devastation. I’ll continue the coverage and I’m grateful for all of you being on board.
Talk about "duping delight". This video should be in the dictionary as a prime example of someone gleefully lying. He looks like he's jacked up on cocaine the way his hands can't stop wildly gesturing on almost every word. Disgusting, and a he's a true sociopath.
I think we know Demon Newsome is a bought and paid for actor who's role is to destroy California from within...just like they are planning to do to America. The people in charge don't give a sheet about any of us. We are like cattle to them and being led to the slaughter. Still hoping and praying the majority of us can wake up and realize what's going on...we need to wake up the sleeping giant (US).