Ugh! I refused to fly at all during the masks on planes years and now it looks like my days of flying are numbered again. If only people would wake up to the fact that mass noncompliance would end this.

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PS....these tests don’t work but one thing is that when we encounter a virus it will show up in our nasal passages but we may never actually come down with the virus because we have all kinds of ways to fight it beforehand........so this is so unscientific and full of lies ..... what else is new?.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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Excellent article and I very much appreciate it. Dr. Zelenko if people know him (Z-Stack) though he is not in his body said that we are in Sodom and Gomorrah (we have codified the killing of babies) and this was almost two years ago...He was an activist against the protocols of the Covid disaster but mostly he was a religious man and he said one must chose between entertainment, in this case flying, and what is right for our body and health and spirit and I might add our society......I will never fly....I agree with the comments before me.....

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Come to the Gates . Let Freedom Ring . I will never FLY!!

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