Angles, electronics, speed, redundancy, skill, pilots, time, structure, momentum, mass, force, water, all these things and more, most include a human element, the weakest link in any system. Since Joe Biden said the US gov't would pay for the damage, our expert risk assessment professionals with the related insurance companies won't need to investigate. No blame, no pay out, no insurance interference with the facts. Having extensive experience with risk analysis, both in the military and civilian facilities management, I can tell you that accidents don't "just happen." There are a series of precipitating events, each with its own probability. Together, the number of events that would have had to take place in order for this "accident" to occur is so improbable as to be impossible in the real world. However, the events that would need to take place for this to have been an intentional incident send the probability assessment through the roof. The insurance experts would have assumed sabotage/terrorism and then set out to disprove that hypothesis.

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Hi Peggy, I asked somebody I know these questions and these were his responses. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry :-

What are the names of the crew on the Dali?

Why is this important at this time?

What are the names of the harbor pilots from the Port of Baltimore who were on board the Dali?

Why is this important at this time?

How were the police able to close the bridge so quickly?

They never, the bridge management received a notification from Port authority that the ship was in trouble.

Was the incident an accident or was it orchestrated for an ulterior motive?

An incident can be an accident, but what it wasn't was orchestrated.

What motives could be driving how this incident is being handled? Is it hush hush because it was a deliberate infrastructure attack?

No hush hush from what I can see. The process is ongoing as expected.

Why did the FAA close the airspace around the incident site?

I'd need proof of that but I'd expect that may be homeland security protocol.

Why is there a discrepancy between the level of information available in this incident compared to other incidents? (When there's a shooting, the media immediately releases the shooter's name, address, life story and grandma’s favorite recipe all sorted out before the police arrive on scene!!)

Behave. If you can't understand the difference there's no point debating this further.

Who initiated the MayDay call, and what was said during the call?

The pilots. Obviously. As for what was said id imagine "MAYDAY, MAYDAY MAYDAY"

Why was the water so calm around the tanker, which was moving at 8 mph?

Seriously, 8MPH or 8knots? Regardless the water doesn't move the ship, it's the engines.

Why was there no massive wave and continuous water disturbance after the bridge collapsed?

Eh??? There was on the videos I seen.

Why didn’t we see debris from the ship floating in the water?

The ships cargo remained in place on the whole, but any metal containers that landed in the water would sink. They are not buoyant obviously.

Was the incident caused by human error, negligence or could this have been an intentional hit?

Either of the first 2 suggestions. Not the 3rd

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The Star Spangled Banner Dream | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | April 1, 2024... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0luiw5WjJZY

Oh say can you SEE, SEE, SEE, SEE......

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Peggy, u need to watch this: The Star Spangled Banner Dream | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | April 1, 2024... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0luiw5WjJZY

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My initial gut feeling was that foul play was involved, either a terrorist attack or an intentional, planned, sabotage from some of our "wonderful" communist government officials (Democrats and RINOs). I'm sticking with my gut feeling for now. There was a prophetic dream Dutch Sheets received a week before the event occurred that he revealed on the Flashpoint 3/26/2024 show, starting at about minute 6:15, and Dutch's dream at minute 12:24: https://rumble.com/v4lou98-flashpoint-live-starting-at-7pm-ct-8pm-et.html . The bridge was hit within 100 feet of where Frances Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner, which became our National Anthem in 1831. It is also interesting that the song was originally written in the key of "C", lining up with Dutch's dream. I didn't know Mitch McConnell's sister-in-law was married to a communist till Peggy mentioned it in her 2nd video about the bridge collapse. The fact that he is the Senate Minority Leader, a Republican siding with the Democrats on almost every issue, who's brother in-law is a communist, all the betrayals coming from the Senate against our nation are starting to make more sense to me now. What better way for China to make a political statement than to tear down the bridge that represents our Nation's National Anthem! It's like China announcing "we just tore down your country, so what are you going to do about it?" taunting us, mocking us! Our government isn't going to do anything about it because they are communists themselves! Too much doesn't add up. Definitely deception is involved! I think everyone should watch this Flashpoint episode to hear the discussion of the prophecy Dutch received to understand what is going on with G-d and the spiritual significance of the destruction of this bridge. If it truly was sabotage by our government, or China, or another terrorist organization, our government will try to cover it up, so we won't know it was sabotage, but they cannot cover it up if G-d gives a prophecy about it!

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Was the bridge hit with DEWs before hitting it with the barge???? Metal bending weirdly? I believe intentional false flag event to disrupt transport and crash economy!

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Here’s what’s happening in Michigan…..1am….mmmmmmmm….https://wwmt.com/news/state/no-timetable-on-when-shipping-will-resume-at-st-marys-river

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Electrical failure? Why is no one mentioning the enormous amount of powerful solar flares that went off just the day before (19 M-class flares in 25 hours!) and the proximity of the flares and bridge collapse to the upcoming solar eclipse. One CME was so powerful, auroras could be seen as far south as Alabama! CMEs are KNOWN to interfere with GPS, navigation and radio frequencies and can fry grids when they are strong enough.

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Baltimore is top city to make into a 15 minute city... Peggy, Long Beach is on that list too. I sure hope nothing happens there next.

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Why was the workers on the bridge in the middle of the night? What work were they doing? I looked on the Maryland DOT site and could not find any scheduled construction projects for the bridge. And if they closed the bridge at the last minute, why wasn't the workers notified.

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Peggy, or whoever, is this fake news or what? Can anyone vet this?


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All 3 bridges:


Valley View

Indian River


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I know you mentioned this, but it's clear there were demolitions set off just as the ship hit the bridge. Many videos proving this on 153news.net - We are under 4th and 5th generation attack. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=14RW96WU7SHY

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I read in another alternative news site that the ship was unmanned at the time of the accident.

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Sounds like more 911, Maui

Ohio with train Israel all the food plants burning all the animals being killed from there hail Man made of course I believe if I was pointing fingers I’d say it’s who ever is in control of all these Scamdemic butt wipes. The evil doers as you put it. Everyday there’s more bull crap.

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Sounds like more 911, Maui

Ohio with train Israel all the food plants burning all the animals being killed from there hail Man made of course I believe if I was pointing fingers I’d say it’s who ever is in control of all these Scamdemic butt wipes. The evil doers as you put it. Everyday there’s more bull crap.

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