Having attended med skool in Amarillo, this story hits close to home. And with 4 grandkids now living an hour from the city, I guess you could say I have a dog in this fight. Certainly we will have to deal with the corruption in this great little town, but for now "we have bigger problems to fry" as Seinfeld's Milosh would so eloquently put it.

A short while back the great Donald Jeffries posed the question, "How to Fix a System That's Rigged from Top to Bottom." And my reply was this ...


It looks like there is no reforming or defeating this monster and certainly no voting our way out of it. Our best shot in my humble opinion is what I call Starving Leviathan. Through De-centralization, Nullification and Secession, we have a path away from the feral, war-mongering, genocidal maniacs hell bent on total destruction of a once great nation. This at least has the potential for a peaceful resolution, whereas any sort of violent strategy plays right into their hands.

Over 139,000 Texans have signed the petition to allow for a vote on Texas regaining her Independence. You can bet these folks remember evil Lincoln's genocide and know it won't be pretty this time either, but they have figured out that the price of staying in this hot mess is much higher than the price of leaving.

Infinite thanks for your efforts Peggy, you are the bomb.

And Godspeed to freedom fighters in all states.

~~ j ~~

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Hi Peggy, I just subscribed to you after watching your vid on JFK junior. Loved it!

Could you or your assistant give me your opinion on a little 4 to 5 hour chat conversation I had with Sasha yesterday?

I really think she just might be a Short Circuitng DARPA PSYOP, AI clone bot! 😂ðŸĪŠðŸĪ”I have an additional 3-4 pages of screenshots of her Lies to Humanity, if you ever want to see them!

Kind regards


Om Swastyastu!!! 🙏🙏🙏🕉âĪïļ


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“Everything Is Gone”: Texas Wildfire Ravages America’s Cattle-Mecca


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Hey, I've got a question for people who live near Amarillo.

Have you seen any tanker planes or helicopters trying to put out the fires?

I haven't heard anything about it.

BTW, Texas is the last place that should depend upon government, as DC hates Texas and finds ways to never pay disaster insurance after fires and tornadoes.

If I were normal people, I'd get to supporting your freedom, before it's gone.

The Marxists don't like the WEF and that's going to be the next big battle.

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My daughter lives an hour from Amarillo ... I will ask her about the planes.

As for "supporting your freedom", Right on!

Let's get to it ... Decentralization, Secession, Nullification. First step is to stop feeding the monster. The ferals use our own money to enslave us, so turning off the spigot gets the boot off the neck:


Best of luck, Joseph

~~ j ~~

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Thanks for reporting the truth. What is the significance of the number 9?

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I was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas and have lived all over the state. I had property that would've been affected by the Trans-Texas Corridor and fought against it. Wildfires ARE common in Texas, always have been. We had a huge fire just west of me 2 yrs ago, only rural areas burned, farm/ranch land and only 2 old houses burned in the 1000+plus acre fire.

I'm not sure the Panhandle area fire is a WEFFIE deal. 1. The wildfires are on the EAST side of the Panhandle (opposite of the corridor imafe you posted), an extremely rural area, not any big or even medium sized cities are affected. 2. The only way Amarillo is affected is that the fires seem to be around Lake Merideth, Amarillo's water supply. If it was a DEW, one would think they'd actually burn areas slated for the New World Order construction plans. Have we seen blue-roofed structures not burning? I'm withholding judgement until we know more. Go here to see where the fired are and where they are headed.


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Thank you!!!

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My name is on that petition along with my friend who has been educating me on the evils of the smart meters. Unfortunately, I live on a fixed income and couldn't afford to opt out of the meter switch. I live in an apt complex so I'm wondering if the opt out option is even possible. The utility co Xcel never did knock on my door on the day of installation like they said they would. My friend has been encouraging me to get involved with the City Council meetings, or at least, send emails. I have been doing my research when I can. There are so many rabbit holes to go through and so many organizations to learn about. It's really a daunting task, which I think the U.N. and the WEF use to their advantage. I was so happy to see that you are shedding light on the fires and sharing what info you have come across. It helps me with my research, Thank you Peggy. Oh by the way, I was raised, for the most part, in Santa Barbara. Lol, I don't miss it!!!

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Everyone should watch the movie-

The Biggest Little Farm

To fully contemplate and understand that the weather and ecosystem, designed by God, Is not meant to be tinkered with by man.

GeoEngineering is the greatest risk to humanity that we face.

This movie is good for the soul.

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I live in Amarillo area. The week prior to the fires, the sky was a filled with aircraft chem-trails. Could see aircraft coming in from the southwest like from Clovis NM airbase and flying a north or northwest pattern every day. The chem-trails were the usual ones plus some funky looking chem-trails. Because it was so many planes in the air for several days, it made me wonder.

I believe your early suspicions are spot on. There has not been any airplanes fly over this week. Clear skies where you can see the usual air traffic. Blue skies.

In addition there has not been any news on the cause for the fires and it is the largest fire/burn area in the TX history at 1,200,000 plus acres and the fires is continue to grow.

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Where ever the blue roof program goes in, that's where they are burning. I know it was in OK, and Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana all have had the Army blue roof program. They cover whatever building they want to keep and it doesn't burn with everything else. Biden even mentioned that most people had the wrong color roofs when discussing the fires. https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/News/NewsSearch/Article/2761737/us-army-corps-of-engineers-initiates-blue-roof-program/

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My heart is still sick ðŸĪ’ over Lahaina. The police literally blocked the roads out.

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Just want to add that all you have pointed to fits Canada to the “T” as well. Petra Wagner’s accounting has me nodding all the way through. We have never seen freak temperature spikes dropping from weeks of steady +3C and -4C nighttime to a -30C and back to +4C night with +8C daytime temperature in the following 2 days. Shifts just don’t happen here like what we’ve seen in January. But everyone goes ‘oh my God it’s climate change’. It’s such an insidiously subliminal brain drain and the whole population is hooked up to it.

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Dr. Jacob Nordangard compiled the history of the hoax of climate change in this excellent presentation:


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I know!! The climate change lie is maddening!!!

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