Never! As a Christ follower I have the discernment of the Holy Spirit to recognize evil. As a critical thinker, I can recognize a scam. Can't count how many people I've shared my formula with. If they have to coerce, threaten, bribe you with money, pot, ice cream, and a chance to win a cruise, it's not medicine and it's not science! I have been astounded at the drop in the IQ of the people of America.

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At least you're still standing your ground Karen. Take heart that there are many just like you doing the same. How are you prepping for the rollout of digital ID?

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Unfortunately (or fortunately - nothing to lose?) I don't have much to work with and my husband's head is in the sand on everything. Trust in the Lord and a small, but tight, network of friends.

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I'm sorry to hear that about your husband, but even he may benefit as our presence alone I'm sure has a way of planting seeds. I felt the same with my wife over 10 years ago, but now we are both on the same page, and never thought we would be where we are today. Good to have friends though - need an outlet for all those thoughts, right? (:

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Stay out of grocery stores with pharmacies, 10% off groceries with free Covid/ Flu shots!, really?

Sick, sick money hungry, power hungry spineless people.


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Jan 18Liked by Olivia

Bigtree has a huge influence on RFK and Bigtree believes in "safe" vaccines. What a crock.

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No way! They will never admit it’s actually government sponsored “biochemical warfare” enforced by DOD, as Katherine Watt has exposed in her brilliant substack here.


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I personally, will NEVER TRUST them again!!!

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It all comes down to each individual remaining to be divine critical thinkers regardless of any propaganda!

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It sounds to me like they don't really understand that trust isn't something you can demand from someone. It's not a transactional agreement. Trust is built on integrity and the ability to truly care, of which they possess neither. I think a better term for it would be "rebuilding control". I'm sure they loved it when everyone was holed-up in their homes awaiting their next set of instructions as to how to not die. Controlling others using fear tactics does not mean you've built a relationship of trust, and I'm pretty sure they're well aware of that.

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Never Trust the Devils words .

Only Trust in Jesus .

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Criminals love to prey on humanity's good nature, don't they?

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The cooties thing just begun!! 2020 was the dress rehearsal for future technology!

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Was a test to see how much we would give up...now comes the final exam.

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Davos = A Gathering of the Demons!

"Restore Trust for a Greater Good?" <<< This is, basically, more Mind Control; and a LIE.

I think it's supposed to be an, 'Oopsy! We MAY have made some mistakes.....we'll do better, NEXT TIME." Bottom line on trusting the govt/medical/corporations.....your DEFAULT is NOT TRUST! These entities HATE YOU.....ALWAYS HAVE.......and want YOU DEAD.....and ALWAYS HAVE. So, WHERE does YOUR BEST INTERESTS lay, with these entities?? Answer: NO WHERE! They have NEVER had YOUR Best Interest at heart.......EVER! Time to come to grips with that. Time to GROW UP!

I'm not sure how many have figured this out yet......but, HUMANS do NOT NEED so-called 'vaccines'!

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

I've been skeptical of western medicine for many years now, preferring integrative/wholistic medicine if any. But with all that went down with the plannedemic a few years ago, I WILL NEVER TRUST another western med doctor/nurse again!!?!?

I have hypothyroidism and have to take levothyroxine everyday cuz a nurse practitioner diagnosed me many years ago and recommended I start taking it to ease the chronic fatigue and no-reason weight gain. It did neither even after all these years, and now my hair is falling out, too. She did tell me that I'd have to take it for the rest of my life and that did make me hesitant, but I was desperate to feel better, so I went with it. I deeply regret it and wish I could get off it. So that was kind of the beginning of my mistrust.

I hadn't really been anti-vaxx before, but now, I am thoroughly convinced that ALL vacc are harmful and have done all kinds of damage to so many, including our pets. And now they want to contaminate our food, from animals to veggies!?!?!

Yeah, NO, a BIG HELL NO, to EVER TRUSTING western medicine EVER again!!?!? The lies and propoganda, cover-ups, blatant absolute corruption from foulxi to big pharma and grubberment have made me a firm believer in wholistic, natural medicine, NOT man-made drugs/pharmacia!? Plus, medical schools are dumbing down the students and new doctors because of, diversity, inclusion, equity (DIE), like the pilots, plane mechanics, etc. So, that's all I need to know. Apologies NOT accepted!!?! Only accountability, charges, indictments, jail and executions are acceptable to me for the evil they perpetrated on the world!? GRRRROARRRRR!?!? 🦁

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Peggy - why don't you talk about the crooked pet food companies such as the one that is making animals sick right now. Veterinarians are just as corrupt in wanting to push their poison jabs on pets. I'm surprised how some people talk about not taking the cocktail but don't see the same thing going on with their pets. I feel so bad when I hear people giving their dog multiple vaccines at one visit for convenience, or poisoning them with flea and tick medication.

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In GOD we Trust for our Lord lives in the Light of Truth. Trust is earned not given freely. I will never trust our corrupt gov't. It's always been about power/money & control. A lie repeated does not make it true. I will never comply nor will I ever stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny. Knowledge is FREEdom ...

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They do not deserve trust! None of this was for health, it was all for money & power. They should receive some type of “punishment” be it prison or loss of their ability to ever work in the “health field” again.

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" X " virus - this symbolism I believe is connected to the CCP attack on America.

"X" i Jinping owns Biden, Newsom, Hollywood, sports, music, environmental, Bill Gates influencers. The CCP funds the WHO, and colludes with our CIA- FBI who control the MSM propaganda.

The CCP PLA's 1999 war manuel 'Unrestricted Warfare' was used to infiltrate every aspect of Americas' infrastructure and institutions. Why do China and Bill Gates own so much farmland and food manufacturing plants, among other public and private lands???

presentdangerchina.org, centerforsecuritypolicy.com

Food for thought,


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