Click HERE for sample VACCINE WAIVER for your pet
Has your vet been pressuring you to get your pet vaccinated against rabies? Many in our Healthy American family are alarmed at the sudden INCREASE in the push for (fake, phony, fraudulent and UNNECESSARY) rabies shots. So many have emailed asking me if they can get an exemption for their pet. I don’t know about you, but I will do whatever I can to keep my pets healthy.
Imagine: the same vaccine dose is given to an animal whether it weighs 9 pounds or 90 pounds! What kind of "science" is that? Especially since I can't even get any medicine for my dog unless she undergoes a complete blood panel to make sure she can "tolerate" it! (Note: Teddy is NOT on any medication; I am using this an an example of how ridiculous the one-size-fits-all vaccine requirements are for both humans and animals.)
I've also been told that my own girl Teddy (in the photos above) cannot visit the vet or get her nails clipped (I call it a Teddi-cure) unless she has proof of the poison shot!
Think about it: this renewed push to get our animals injected for a "disease" that has never been proven to exist (gee, sounds like the cooties) -- and even if we accept what Big Pharma tells us about rabies, it has been eradicated for DECADES!
There are so many in our Healthy American family who have furry or feathered family members who are concerned about this renewed and rabid push (see what I did there?) for more animal injections.
When you click here to watch my Part 1 video about rabies, you'll read countless stories of heartbreak and remorse from animals lovers whose pet companions suffered because of these unnecessary shots.
Wouldn't it be terrible to think that these shots are INTENTIONALLY given so that the animal can now become a "patient for life" because of all the devastating side effects? Assuming that the animal lives long enough.
My heart breaks with them, and it is my mission to EDUCATE and EMPOWER those who want to push back against the oppressors who want to harm our precious animal family members and deprive us of their love, comfort, support and incredible richness that they add to our lives. Your stories of loss and regret regarding vaccinating your animals have moved me deeply. In our Healthy American family, there is so much support and empathy -- along with ideas moving forward to keep your furry and feathered family members thriving.
In my recent videos on rabies, I offer several ideas for side-stepping these egregious requirements put into place by vets and groomers.
NOTE: I am not giving any medical advice. These are ideas and solutions that I personally use and others are sharing. My goal is to point you in the right direction so you can increase your knowledge and make decisions that are right for you and your precious animal family members.
(Article continued below)
What can you do when the vet or groomer asks for your dog’s rabies vaccine certificate?
Well, let me start by saying that I've heard of people "customizing" old vaccination papers so that they can take their dog to the groomer. All I can say is, make sure you spell "rabies" correctly! In my first video about rabies, I explain why I joke about calling it "ravies" and why the term has stuck with me. I'm not necessarily advocating this, but I thought you might enjoy that story.
In all seriousness, if your veterinarian is becoming rabid about vaccines (whether for your dog, cat, horse, bird, goat, chicken or other animals) and does not respect your choices for your pets, and is unwilling to consider alternative solutions or options, then they are probably not the right vet for you. Your pets are family members, so when it comes to their health you want to both like and trust your veterinarian. It’s important that they respect your right to make decisions for your pets.
There are a lot of warning signs to look out for when choosing a new vet, but one of the largest red flags that will cause problems in the long run is having a vet who has tunnel vision and only treats through the lens of allopathic medicine. A vaccine-only approach is not the only option, and if you know me, one of my favorite sayings is, "There's always another way!" And many people are finding alternative methods to avoid these unnecessary, excessive, and toxic intrusions into their pets' lives.
Options to consider for avoiding rabies shots:
Find a holistic vet
I don’t have a list of holistic vets, but here’s a good place to start for more education from a well known holistic vet, Dr. Karen Becker:
and also Dr. John Robb.
Find a mobile vet or mobile groomer that will come to your home
One reason for the strong push for rabies vaccination is that if your dog bites someone, the vet could be held liable. Although this is highly unlikely, it’s till a good idea to have a vet or groomer come to your home because it eliminates many “risks” and potential reasons for them to refuse care for your pet. Many rules and regulations differ from state to state, but in general, if another person's dog injures someone, the victim can seek financial restitution from the at-fault party (defendant) if certain conditions are met. Typically, the defendant is the dog's owner, but this may not be the case if the attack happened at a vet's office or kennel. Again, this differs by state, and cases against the vet or kennel are very difficult to establish, and the dog owner is usually held liable in like 99% of cases.
Get an exemption if your animal is elderly or has a history of adverse reactions
The other concept, which even your veterinarian should support, is that if your animal cannot handle the shot, they shouldn't receive it. Therefore, if it were my animals, I would argue that they are too old and have a history of adverse reactions, and that I would vouch for the fact that they are not physically able to tolerate it. Your veterinarian could then be able to write a medical exemption.
Get a titer to draw your animals blood to test their immunity
Although I don’t care for these unnecessary blood draws and medical interventions, this last option is better than nothing. At the very least it ensures your pet is healthy while minimizing unnecessary vaccinations (or revaccinations).
Consider non-veterinary options to keep your animals healthy
Again, I am not giving any medical advice, but consider ways to minimize those vet visits by focusing on healthy nutrition, the right amount of physical and mental activity, etc. I personally don’t take my animals for “check-ups” and only use the vet in an emergency.
Continuing with the vet liability issue, all liability would truly be with the owner, so don't let your veterinarian trick you into thinking that they have to give your pet the rabies vaccine or they (the vet) would be liable.
This is why it's so crucial to have a vet you can trust on your side: if your pet were to attack someone and had to be quarantined, at least you'd have a chance that your trusted vet would let your dog go back into your care without administering any shots. Now of course, this varies by state and you should look up the regulations where you live, but your vet is not liable for the bite. Some veterinarians think they must vaccinate their patients every year, and if they don't, they'll be held financially responsible if their patients contract an illness that can be prevented by vaccination. This is not the case and many animals still get ill despite being injected so this is totally false.
In the event your dog did bite or attack another person, here are a few other things to keep in mind that might prevent your dog from being labeled “vicious” or “dangerous” by the state if any of the following are true:
The injured person was doing something to cause the dog to attack them;
The injured person was committing a crime against you or your property; or
Your dog was responding to pain or injury or was protecting itself, its offspring, you, or a member of your household.
It’s unlikely your domesticated dog would even have rabies (assuming it to exist as we’re told). According to the CDC "the U.S. has been free of dog rabies since 2007."
How in the world could your vet require you to have your animal injected with the rabies cocktail when there isn’t even dog rabies in the United States?
I think there's something else going on. We all observe the medical cartel cracking down on physicians, so it should come as no surprise that the same holds true for veterinarians.
For the most part, special interest groups are the driving force behind obligatory rabies vaccination programs. Obviously that would be the vets and veterinarian medical organizations, but also the municipal lawmakers, bureaucrats, and animal control workers. Why? Having rabies mandated through their respective administrative rule making abilities would tremendously help these powerful interest groups. Not to mention the fact that many emotionally disturbed people hold positions of authority in this world, ranging from veterinarians in hospitals to superintendents of humane societies, who will exercise whatever minuscule amount of power they have to take pleasure in harming animals and in some cases ripping them from families and loving pet owners regardless of the facts surrounding rabies.
According to John Fudens, a holistic vet in Florida, dog/cat bites that expose people to rabies are as uncommon in the United States as shark attacks. This low incident rate is unrelated to mandatory vaccination because the number of cases was minimal prior to the requirement.
“Let me give you an example of Pinellas County, FL where my Affinity Clinic is located. I secured information from Pinellas Animal Control through the Freedom of Information Act. The record of animal control starts in 1964. From 1964 to 1978 there were zero cases of dog rabies in the county. Magically in 1978 rabies vaccine was mandated to be given every year and all dogs tagged and licensed. WHY? Well it seems four veterinarians, with animal control bureaucrats, pushed the county board of supervisors to pass a law mandating rabies vaccination every year.
To this date there still has not been one case of dog rabies, including the population of dogs whose owners, GOD BLESS THEM, do not vaccinate for rabies.
From 1964 to 1989 there were no cases of rabies in cats in Pinellas County. Magically in 1989 a law was passed mandating rabies vaccination, tags and licenses for all cats. Same tired worn out excuses were used. Since the 1989 law there was one cat with rabies contracted from the bite of a bat. No allowance is made for dogs/cats who never leave the house or yard, could never be exposed to rabies under any circumstances, or who are so ill, old or at the end of their life cycle that the rabies vaccine would throw them over the edge. No, all dogs and cats are treated the same because we have the bogeyman, rabies, stalking the streets waiting to strike unprotected dogs and cats.” -John Fudens
And this isn’t just Florida, but everywhere. Like I mentioned previously, according to the CDC "the U.S. has been free of dog rabies since 2007." And in France, known for giving the first human rabies vaccination, they have had zero human cases of rabies since 1924 and they are still pushing this nonsense.
Here are some comments from our Healthy Americans who experienced heartbreak over the horrible side effects their precious animals experienced after getting their rabies shot:
All your stories of loss and regret that you have shared in the comments about vaccinating your animals or being betrayed by a trusted veterinarian have profoundly affected me, but this is precisely why education and connection are so vital. Although I do not have a list of holistic veterinarians, I hope that you can interact with the Healthy American community in the comments to discover additional resources and remedies.
A note from my assistant, Olivia:
If you see a dog that looks lost, do NOT take it to the humane society. The animal shelter should be a LAST resort… and even then I’d rather re-home the lost animal myself than take it to a shelter. If you found a dog, please knock on all the doors in your neighborhood, post signs around your area, or post in local groups online. Many of these shelters DO NOT care about your dog and the abuse and mistreatment runs rampant. I’ve been on the wrong side of this predicament when someone picked up my dog from my front yard while I was inside and they IMMEDIATELY took him to the humane society. They didn’t even bother to knock on the door. What kind of person does that? Within two minutes, I went back to check on my dog and he was gone. I was running around the neighborhood yelling my dogs name, when the lady that took my dog returned to my street (YES, SHE LITERALLY LIVES ON MY STREET) drove up next to me, rolled her window down and asked “are you looking for a small aussie?” and I said “yes, that’s my dog!” and when she told me she dropped him at the pound my heart sank. I was at the shelter within THIRTY MINUTES of my dog being brought in, but they had him under lock and key. They refused to release him to me unless he was vaccinated, sterilized, and microchipped. The superintendent was so drunk with the minuscule amount of power she had in this situation, and she was so intent on keeping me separated from my dog for as long as she could, that I could not resolve it in a day so sadly he was locked in overnight. They wouldn't let me even hold or be with my dog for the entire 24 hours. It was so difficult, but I moved mountains to get him back to me unscathed and unaltered, and I was tormented and traumatized in the process by the shelter staff, the superintendent who runs the place, and their legal team trying to bamboozle me into believing they could do this.
I strongly advise staying by your pet's side if there is an emergency and you are able to be there. You must be aware of the laws and your rights in an emergency situation, like the one I experienced when my dog was wrongfully withheld from me. Understanding the law and the regulations governing animal ownership in your state is crucial.
You need to be well-versed in the laws of your state regarding when the shelter gains title and ownership in a found or brought-in animal, and what those rights mean. In my case, I had full ownership rights and I did not do any of the following:
Give my animal as a gift to another person or the animal shelter
Abandon my animal in a public place
Not claim my animal from the shelter within the statutorily mandated timeframe
The moral of the story is to never submit to bullying, intimidation, or pressure from a veterinarian, an employee of animal control, a superintendent of the humane society, or anyone else, in order to make a choice for your pet that you do not want. There's always another way, as Peggy says. So if I can prevail in that awful circumstance, you can prevail when dealing with a veterinarian or a groomer.” ~ Olivia
(Olivia’s best pal, Ollie, pictured below)
History of rabies
There is as much shadiness surrounding the rabies situation as there was surrounding the covid fraud. The signs of cooties are identical to those of the common cold, just as the symptoms for rabies are consistent with poisoning.
Does Rabies even exist as we are told? There is no doubt that both domestic and wild animals get sick, exhibit symptoms of illness and disease, and die. The unanswerable question is: why exactly does that happen? What causes it? Because the theory of virology is just that — a theory — it means it has never been proven. That means that disease and illness can be caused from parasites, bacteria, poisoning, insect bites, other animal bites, infections, eating rotten food or diseased animals, etc.
When deceased (or killed) animals are examined for the presence of rabies, keep in mind that the tests that are used (such as the PCR) are unreliable. The presence of the virus is not even looked for! It is the presence of antibodies that is being tested, and who knows why or how those “antibodies” even exist! I might have “antibodies” for the flu without ever having gotten the flu! So you can see the evident problems with trying to “prove” that “rabies” even exists.
The symptoms of rabies are basically identical to the symptoms of encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the brain. (Watch my video Part 3 for more details.)
Frenchman Louis Pasteur appeared on the scene around the time that rabies was first “found,” which was in the early 1800s. Essentially, Pasteur was the Fauci of his era. Actually, Pasteur wasn't even a vet or a medical practitioner; he was a chemist. People generally honor him because they believe he helped end the rabies problem through his development of the first rabies vaccine. If its existence cannot be verified, how can it be eradicated? That’s a topic for another day. You can start by reading my substack “Digging Deeper into Disease.”
Let’s play along and pretend that viruses have been verifiably isolated and proven to cause disease.
What about the flu vaccines, which reportedly only have a 30% success rate. How do they arrive at that figure? It's a mystery. Take two individuals who have never had the flu, but one gets the vaccination and the other doesn’t. How do you back up that claim? How can you show that the person who received the vaccine is what kept them from getting the flu? Person A didn't get the flu because they were given an injection, but person B wasn't given an injection and also didn't get the flu. It can’t be proven.
The most disturbing and tragic aspect of "rabies" is that experts claim they cannot determine whether an animal has the disease until after it has died and they have examined its brain tissue. Many state rabies laws state something similar to the following: “In the event that an animal under quarantine does exhibit signs of rabies, state statute requires that the animal be humanely killed and the brain submitted for rabies testing.” And as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the “testing” if flawed and faulty.
The American pharmaceutical firm Zoetis Inc. produces the most animal and veterinary pharmaceuticals and vaccines in the world. It was formerly part of Pfizer, but now it’s an independent entity. [NOTE: Did you know that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is actually a veterinarian and not an M.D.?] However, ten years ago Pfizer was heavily involved in creating the rabies vaccine and donated 50,000 doses to animal shelter organizations. Gee, genocide for people and now animals. I mentioned this in my article about ivermectin, but you either you either trust these criminal entities or you don’t and proceed with caution.
Side effects of rabies vaccine:
Include, but not limited to:
Hypersensitivity of all senses
Rage, agitation, violence, ferocity, sudden attacks, unprovoked attacks
Irrational fears, timidity, suspicions
Inappropriate responses to water – either extreme fear or great desire
Sensitivity and over-reaction to noise
Reverse sneezing, Laryngeal spasms
Involuntary urination
Convulsions especially from the sight of running water or of shiny objects
The TRAGIC and DEVASTATING side effects of these shots are undeniable.
What is in the rabies vaccine?
Most of the animal rabies vaccines contain “a killed rabies virus,” aluminum hydroxide gel, Gentamicin, and Merthiolate (as mercury also known as thiomersal).
See Zoetis safety data sheets for examples.
I'll be making more videos on this important subject, including ones that discuss rabies vaccinations for people. The fact that "science" has lagged behind TRUTH and the truth of whether or not these "diseases" actually exist or are as deadly as we have been led to believe is truly reprehensible. My prayers go out to those of you whose pets have suffered because of these unwelcome intrusions, and I'm happy and thankful that you'll now view this issue differently moving forward.
Wouldn’t it be horrible if “they” wanted to strip us of our companion animals?
One Healthy American commented that it is possible that the “powers-that-shouldn’t be” want to make it so difficult and expensive for us to keep our companion animals that in time, the number of pets will decrease. Wouldn’t it be horrible (despicable and absolutely heinous) if the end-game was to inflict further psychological despair on humanity by stripping us of our most cherished and precious animal family members, who provide such emotional and physical support, and unlimited amounts of sheer joy? Imagine trying to get through these (illegal and unnecessary) shutdowns over the past three years, without your precious companions to help you get through it? Remember that the goal of the New World (dis)Order is that “ you will own nothing and be happy.” And that means NOTHING, no car, no home, no private possessions — and no precious companion animals.
In my Part 2 video, I also share my thoughts on how and why our unbreakable soul bond with our animals is so powerful.
According to the creation story, God made animals before humans. I adore this story because it reveals to me that mankind's first relationship on earth (outside of God) was with animals. He filled the earth with creatures before creating Adam, who gave names to each one. It is such a strong spiritual connection and because of this I see it as a representation of God's love for us. If you've ever had the good fortune to adore or be loved by an animal, you know that there is an unbreakable soul bond that is distinct from any human relationship. It is a that love endures even if they are no longer physically present and the bond remains even after their physical demise.
Therefore, I beg those of you, like me, who have had regrets about animal losses in the past that have been so upsetting that they are difficult for you to integrate into your life, to acknowledge them and take them with you moving forward. I strongly advise you to contact a pet grief counselor like Stephanie Rodriguez from Embracing Your [View her helpful youtube videos here.] Know that you have the support of the entire Healthy American family, and we are praying for you as you grieve your losses and celebrate the unbreakable bond with your animals, a love that endures forever.
My cat died. 3 days after her rabies shot in September 2021. And her sister died in 2018 of heart failure after her rabies shot. I have a new kitten that will never get a vaccine. And I will never take another vaccine either. #democideishappening
Peggy to the Rescue, again, Gooo Peggy! I just love your ability to cut to the core on this issue as on so many others. You really are rescuing all of us from the dogs they want to throw us to, they, the far less than 1% who believe this earth belongs to them. The trouble is that "they've" gotten so mixed up with all of us, literally deep into our genes through their gene modification programs that go back for millennia (yup) that most of us cannot see clearly anymore most of the time what's all around us. I just appreciate so much how clearly you speak what's true so that we can all follow you perfectly on this practical matters that are so essential for us to understand so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. Personally I prefer to eliminate "God" as the middleman and just do this ourselves. On this matter do we differ. But whatever our religious/spiritual/otherwise beliefs, I think all of us here can probably agree, you are the real deal, Peggy! Thank you so so much for all the love and care you shower upon us all day in and day out, it really does feel like a rescue operation and more power to you! More power to us all! We've Got This!