Dec 14, 2022Liked by Peggy Hall

Love you Peggy and so grateful for all you have done and are doing! We are fighting the same issues here in NY and it is dreadful. The worst part is most of the population in NY is asleep and has NO IDEA of anything going on and lining up for their 4th and 5th jabs. 😭

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It’s absolutely crazy AJoy! I’m in Commifornia and it’s like living in a psych ward. I feel like I’m living in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. My faith in God My Father gets me through day, by day.

I love you Peggy! You’re a precious angel God is using to help us. God’s love and guidance is with you.

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Thank you for sharing the truth

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Standard Stalinist technique from the old Soviet times to handle dissidents or regime opposition. Just declare them mentally unstable, challenged, etc. and institutionalize them. Voila, problem solved!

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Well that's a horror show.

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Recent NYT's article that federal government is bribing hospitals with millions to end in-patient care while private institutions pretending to be non-profits are replacing everything. So, clearly, it was never ever about our health from day 1! The controlled demolition of healthcare being replaced by managing herds anyway that makes them money and the people far weaker and more vulnerable to a corrupt system.

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And I just heard on an OAN news story that the "Climate Control Czars" want to take cremated bodies and put them into the makings of fertilizers......to help the environment......no thank you!! https://search.yahoo.com/search?type=E211US400G0&fr=mcafee&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Ars-algo%2Cct%3Agossip&p=link%20to%20news%20story%20about%20turning%20your%20cremated%20body%20into%20fertilizer%20free

This is just one of sooooo many articles I this subject.......

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Peggy Hall

Also I love you Peggy for all you've done for us.....esp during the dark days of the pandemic....

I heard a favorite newscaster on OAN news use your familiar words....."Let's see about this SHALL WE!!!" I'm sure he got it from you.... :-) I put nothing past this evil government.....thanks for exposing this article to us....

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