We have been doing this for decades. It’s a defensive method for pilots! Suppose you think they shouldn’t have defensive methods, put your ass in a cockpit in dander and I bet you would change your damaged mind!

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I live on Hawaii Island. Last week while at the beach near KOE airport I was looking up at the sky through the top opening of my sun-visor. Suddenly I was stunned to see CLEARLY a set of numbers in the sky! These numbers were at the edge of the clouds. I had to blink hard and look twice because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The numbers were like a time stamp “2:31.” I took note of it and actually made a voice recording of what I had just witnessed before the time stamp vaporized. That’s when I began to take notice of the same large, gray, unmarked military planes (kindly depicted in the images you provided) as they systematically began to fly overhead.

As mentioned, I live near the Kona airport and up hill from the beach I was at. The beach is in the flight traffic pattern as well so I usually see commercial jets which are usually heading north. BUT, I started counting 5-6 military planes within minutes before, and they were clearly heading east. This all took place right before, during and shortly after the time-stamp of 2:31 PM. Not sure what this means but I’m sharing it anyways.

Thanks sister for all you do to expose these matters…that’s a “God-thing” for sure.

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Probably nothing that 150 years of oil industry pollution can’t cure.

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Thanks for the info, Peggy. More and more people I know have commented that they can't remember a time in their life when they have felt prolonged sickness like they are feeling now. Of course the go-to explanation is "germs", but some of us know better. I can't say which is the worse culprit--the toxic injections, the EMF poisoning, the sky-sludge being dumped on us, the chronic stress, or the nutrient-poor diets--but I know the combination can't be good.

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Lived near North Shore Chicago when he began.

Knew many of his patients as he was still in practice.

It is true that nobody is perfect. He has archived his articles and put them in safe accessible location.

The issue is one cannot do a search for a health related topic and expect to find his well reasoned and documented articles. If you know where to look it is there.

When he posts a new article it is only up for a day or two. He has link to .pdf file of the article, always. He is a warrior, brilliant, and admits when he gets something wrong...

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I stopped listening to Dr. Mercola 2 years ago . He is out in left field all by himself.

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I agree, I just don't know how to go about it.

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Absofukalutely outrageous our government is poisoning our air food and water supply! GET ME ON THE BALLOT FOR PRESIDENT AND THAT ISH WILL STOP 🛑

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Important distinction. Cloud seeding one type of geo engineering.

Deliberate spraying of toxins could have some overlap.

Aluminum is cheap, a by product of many industrial process, and used as an adjuvant in the Quaxcines making them many hundreds of times more immuno responsive. Other metals and toxins have differing issues. None have anything to do with health promotion.

We are not weeds. They did not realize we are seeds and are sprouting...

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This aluminum they are spraying in the air is to coat or mask the geographic areas so that 1. It helps artificial intelligence Identify things and people 2. Creates a bond of a stronger signal connection with surrounding cellular networks and satellites as to how they used to use aluminum foil on rabbit ears for the tv to get a better signal and picture. And not only that they can allow China and others like WEF to add bio-weapons to be added to attack DNA in races of individual groups of people, nationalities or more.

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Very interesting insight, thank you for sharing!

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I’m wondering if we could actually WRITE it In on our ballots and if so how many would be required to be passed?

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Aluminum= neurotoxic; fiberglass = lung damage, silicosis... Both have been known for decades! And granted the chaff is also used to decoy enemy weapons deployed against subs or planes, but could they have found something less toxic with which to do so? Probably... Did they even try? Unlikely. Do our gov't even care? Also unlikely; there has certainly been no evidence to indicate they do in many decades.

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For Your Review:

2.7.24: LT w/ Todd Calender: Clouthub revamped. Free Speech is here, Protect your privacy - online meetings Pray!


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about the time the military admits something, it is very very old news as in this case

It is what they do not admit that is far far worse

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Joe Mercola, has done more to educate the world including other physicians than the next 10 people anyone could mention. He is another warrior for truth, and admits when he gets something wrong, as he recently did about Carbs and fruit consumption. Many of us knew all along that he was wrong about this, however the consistent accurate reports outweigh the mistakes over 100:1

Can't imagine anyone not appreciating his efforts...

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What does this have to do with spraying the air?

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Peggy referred to him, something to the effect of love or hate him

Subs often are too long so frame of reference is lost

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I'm very familiar with Dr Mercola going back many years. And nobody is perfect. Unfortunately, he was intimidated into pulling down his BS19 stuff. Too bad.

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