Your post is so timely, Peggy. My husband and I retired to a small town in Northern California, about 150 miles north of San Francisco, on the coast. When I first heard about "seeding the skies", I didn't think that would happen here, as there aren't as many people living here as in the cities. But I was wrong. The chem trails started with a vengeance last year, criss-crossing across the ocean and headed eastward toward us, over the land. The trails slowly dissipated and we forgot about them. More and more have been sited since. Then, yesterday we were getting ready to drive east to Santa Rosa to do errands and medial appointments, but before leaving, I noticed a wider chem trail this time that was over our house. As we were driving eastward on Hwy. 128, along the Navarro River, I was able to see a portion of the sky, and there was that wide chem trail. Further, down the road, I noticed the chem trail looked grayish, and I thought, "That looks dirty"! I had never seen any that weren't just white. That chem trail lasted a good 6 hours also! Most others we have seen dissipated after an hour or 2. It was very disconcerting to see, for sure. We never know when these planes are flying over, as we never hear or see them. Also, the ones we saw previously, where several chem trails criss crossed over each other, seemed to be very high in altitude. This last one yesterday, was definitely lower. Sick! These people are just sick!
All of this crazy “dimming” activity must violate some parts of the Clean Air Act and/or the laws which underpin the AQMD here in California! Ive tried calling AQMD but reached a dead end there. Meanwhile we have Lots of lingering respiratory illness so far this year! Colds, flu, bronchitis, as well as conjunctivitis and other “mysterious illnesses” which are lingering.. (PLEASE dont mention “Safe and Effective” ..thats just not possible!) anyway I have donated to Reinette’s lawsuit but havent heard much about it! Good work Peggy! Keep their feet to the fire!
Someone somewhere else was saying these planes are flown by our military. Sounds like a plausible theory since these dumb bells are just order takers and the same clueless non thinkers who invade foreign countries, kill IT’s citizens then if they are attacked call their attackers terrorists. Total (((inversion)))
Please don’t beat me up because these are just my initial thoughts. If you look at any of the flight radars you will see multitudes of airplanes flying at all altitudes around the clock. Atmospheric conditions at various levels can produce, or not, contrails from these planes. The majority of the trails occur at the higher altitudes where many planes are traveling so fast that they are out of sight before the contrail forms. I know there are combustion byproducts being distributed by the flights that would have been disbursed in the past but the number of flights has increased to the point where this is a problem.
I don’t know enough about current cloud seeding programs to discuss with any surety.
H.R.2977 Space Preservation Act 2001..."To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space ...permanently prohibiting..weapons in space by the US, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
In SW Missouri it’s mass chemtrails nearly every single day. I think the strategy is to be so massive in scope that it becomes the new normal and the people won’t realize that it was ever not hazy and cloudy. The only morons who can’t see the obvious war against blue skies are the (bought and paid for) politicians and meteorologists.
I use to watch the artist Bob Ross (shown in the picture) on television. He was a good artist and would show you how to paint in simple steps. He made it look so easy. He died in 1995 but you can still get books of his teaching how to paint.
I've been aware of this since around the year 2000. I know they actually are editing old movies to add chemtrails. But I saw a rare, old NFL film, from 1972, that had chemtrails above the stadium. I'm certain they weren't added afterwards. So they've been chemtrailing us since at least 1972, probable earlier.
The same planes, .you know if you are paying attention, they look very small from the ground..I have also noticed them expelling what looks like the usual chemtrail but these ones disappear quickly and don’t leave the typical lines that feather out. They are also spraying us with some crap that isn’t visible to the eye.
It STILL amazes me.....BLOWS MY MIND.....that SUPPOSED 'adults' still do NOT know the difference between a CON (CONDENSATION) trail and a CHEM (CHEMICAL) trail!!! A TWO YEAR OLD can comprehend this!! A 'CON' trail DISSIPATES after A FEW SECONDS! A 'CHEM' trail LINGERS and EXPANDS (and eventually, BLOCKS THE SUN!) in the sky!
I believe the drone part but I would bet it is our compromised gov taking their orders, as all governments do, from the cabal who controls the cash. Our government has been usurped by by these parasites who hate humanity. Read the Protocols
I was wondering if that was the case. I can't believe they're getting away with this while we stand on the ground and are able to see them doing it. Insane.
Hey, Dad! I see you changed your last name! Good for you! The silent “i” we had was really confusing, but after over 70 years, you finally ditched it! Weird, though! I remember reading in a now-deleted blog you once wrote that you were calling trans people crazy! You know, we have trans people in our extended family that I love and care about, and they changed their name, too. Is that crazy? I'm sure you don't have a lot of respect for that. Am I supposed to respect that your name change from “Dicksion” to “Dickson”, though? I'm just curious, ‘cause this is all very confusing. Real neat to see that you've gone batshit insane over conspiracy theories about chem trails, though! Loving that for you! As benefits in our country get torn away from us—benefits that I'm sure YOU benefit from seeing as you never went back to work after your last job over 20 years ago—it's nifty to see that THIS is what you're so worried about. Super cool! Hope being cruel to literally your entire family was worth it, so you can keep living with the most angry, ignorant, hateful community of conspiracy theorists who will never see their children or grandchildren again because their bizarre anger at LITERALLY SHOUTING AT CLOUDS drove everyone who ever loved them away. Hope you get everything you ever wanted! But I'm sure you're cool with that, right? Because you're convinced God's still got your back, huh? Of course you do.
God Bless you, Peggy. Excellent coverage on the poisoning of our skies and the cognitive dissonance of people who grew up seeing what actual contrails are and still can't or won't put 2 and 2 together. I like to remind people, just look at a skywriting plane and ask why those letters disappear so quickly.. that's REAL contrails. There's a site called people can check out if they really don't know what's being sprayed all over us and how long it's been going on.
When i saw these chemtrails in 1982 and what these satanizers
were doing to our immune system .
I tried to get people to look up in the sky . NO they never do . Now see what their looking at, Iphones walking, in the car, in restaurant's, on the toilet , .Well Satan is working well in America 🙄
Idaho Dept of Water Resources and their stakeholders (Idaho power included who runs most of the program) had liability and no permit exemptions carved out in a bill - HB266 in 2021. Now we see experimental use of other seeding agents and no NOAA report of disclosed quantities used of liquid propane. However, they go on public radio admitting they are using liquid propane…did not forget to disclose on final reports? We had a bill drafted and attempted to simply return liability and permit requirements, but all the government stakeholders pushed back. This is our broken government.
Your post is so timely, Peggy. My husband and I retired to a small town in Northern California, about 150 miles north of San Francisco, on the coast. When I first heard about "seeding the skies", I didn't think that would happen here, as there aren't as many people living here as in the cities. But I was wrong. The chem trails started with a vengeance last year, criss-crossing across the ocean and headed eastward toward us, over the land. The trails slowly dissipated and we forgot about them. More and more have been sited since. Then, yesterday we were getting ready to drive east to Santa Rosa to do errands and medial appointments, but before leaving, I noticed a wider chem trail this time that was over our house. As we were driving eastward on Hwy. 128, along the Navarro River, I was able to see a portion of the sky, and there was that wide chem trail. Further, down the road, I noticed the chem trail looked grayish, and I thought, "That looks dirty"! I had never seen any that weren't just white. That chem trail lasted a good 6 hours also! Most others we have seen dissipated after an hour or 2. It was very disconcerting to see, for sure. We never know when these planes are flying over, as we never hear or see them. Also, the ones we saw previously, where several chem trails criss crossed over each other, seemed to be very high in altitude. This last one yesterday, was definitely lower. Sick! These people are just sick!
Anyone knowingly participating in this arial fumigation we call chemtrails is a filthy vile criminal and capital punishment is justified.
All of this crazy “dimming” activity must violate some parts of the Clean Air Act and/or the laws which underpin the AQMD here in California! Ive tried calling AQMD but reached a dead end there. Meanwhile we have Lots of lingering respiratory illness so far this year! Colds, flu, bronchitis, as well as conjunctivitis and other “mysterious illnesses” which are lingering.. (PLEASE dont mention “Safe and Effective” ..thats just not possible!) anyway I have donated to Reinette’s lawsuit but havent heard much about it! Good work Peggy! Keep their feet to the fire!
Someone somewhere else was saying these planes are flown by our military. Sounds like a plausible theory since these dumb bells are just order takers and the same clueless non thinkers who invade foreign countries, kill IT’s citizens then if they are attacked call their attackers terrorists. Total (((inversion)))
Please don’t beat me up because these are just my initial thoughts. If you look at any of the flight radars you will see multitudes of airplanes flying at all altitudes around the clock. Atmospheric conditions at various levels can produce, or not, contrails from these planes. The majority of the trails occur at the higher altitudes where many planes are traveling so fast that they are out of sight before the contrail forms. I know there are combustion byproducts being distributed by the flights that would have been disbursed in the past but the number of flights has increased to the point where this is a problem.
I don’t know enough about current cloud seeding programs to discuss with any surety.
H.R.2977 Space Preservation Act 2001..."To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space ...permanently prohibiting..weapons in space by the US, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
In SW Missouri it’s mass chemtrails nearly every single day. I think the strategy is to be so massive in scope that it becomes the new normal and the people won’t realize that it was ever not hazy and cloudy. The only morons who can’t see the obvious war against blue skies are the (bought and paid for) politicians and meteorologists.
I use to watch the artist Bob Ross (shown in the picture) on television. He was a good artist and would show you how to paint in simple steps. He made it look so easy. He died in 1995 but you can still get books of his teaching how to paint.
I've been aware of this since around the year 2000. I know they actually are editing old movies to add chemtrails. But I saw a rare, old NFL film, from 1972, that had chemtrails above the stadium. I'm certain they weren't added afterwards. So they've been chemtrailing us since at least 1972, probable earlier.
The same planes, .you know if you are paying attention, they look very small from the ground..I have also noticed them expelling what looks like the usual chemtrail but these ones disappear quickly and don’t leave the typical lines that feather out. They are also spraying us with some crap that isn’t visible to the eye.
It STILL amazes me.....BLOWS MY MIND.....that SUPPOSED 'adults' still do NOT know the difference between a CON (CONDENSATION) trail and a CHEM (CHEMICAL) trail!!! A TWO YEAR OLD can comprehend this!! A 'CON' trail DISSIPATES after A FEW SECONDS! A 'CHEM' trail LINGERS and EXPANDS (and eventually, BLOCKS THE SUN!) in the sky!
My question is--who are the pilots flying these planes? Do they not realize they have to breathe the same air as everyone else?
I think there are many that are drone operated... or perhaps from other countries and no allegiance to the US?
I believe the drone part but I would bet it is our compromised gov taking their orders, as all governments do, from the cabal who controls the cash. Our government has been usurped by by these parasites who hate humanity. Read the Protocols
I was wondering if that was the case. I can't believe they're getting away with this while we stand on the ground and are able to see them doing it. Insane.
Hey, Dad! I see you changed your last name! Good for you! The silent “i” we had was really confusing, but after over 70 years, you finally ditched it! Weird, though! I remember reading in a now-deleted blog you once wrote that you were calling trans people crazy! You know, we have trans people in our extended family that I love and care about, and they changed their name, too. Is that crazy? I'm sure you don't have a lot of respect for that. Am I supposed to respect that your name change from “Dicksion” to “Dickson”, though? I'm just curious, ‘cause this is all very confusing. Real neat to see that you've gone batshit insane over conspiracy theories about chem trails, though! Loving that for you! As benefits in our country get torn away from us—benefits that I'm sure YOU benefit from seeing as you never went back to work after your last job over 20 years ago—it's nifty to see that THIS is what you're so worried about. Super cool! Hope being cruel to literally your entire family was worth it, so you can keep living with the most angry, ignorant, hateful community of conspiracy theorists who will never see their children or grandchildren again because their bizarre anger at LITERALLY SHOUTING AT CLOUDS drove everyone who ever loved them away. Hope you get everything you ever wanted! But I'm sure you're cool with that, right? Because you're convinced God's still got your back, huh? Of course you do.
I’ve noticed them for 30 years! We lived in the country and saw so many. It was hard to research at first, but has gotten easier.
There minimal spraying in my area when Trump was president, but has really picked up since Biden.
I agree with you!
God Bless you, Peggy. Excellent coverage on the poisoning of our skies and the cognitive dissonance of people who grew up seeing what actual contrails are and still can't or won't put 2 and 2 together. I like to remind people, just look at a skywriting plane and ask why those letters disappear so quickly.. that's REAL contrails. There's a site called people can check out if they really don't know what's being sprayed all over us and how long it's been going on.
When i saw these chemtrails in 1982 and what these satanizers
were doing to our immune system .
I tried to get people to look up in the sky . NO they never do . Now see what their looking at, Iphones walking, in the car, in restaurant's, on the toilet , .Well Satan is working well in America 🙄
Even “experimenting” with liquid propane!
Idaho Dept of Water Resources and their stakeholders (Idaho power included who runs most of the program) had liability and no permit exemptions carved out in a bill - HB266 in 2021. Now we see experimental use of other seeding agents and no NOAA report of disclosed quantities used of liquid propane. However, they go on public radio admitting they are using liquid propane…did not forget to disclose on final reports? We had a bill drafted and attempted to simply return liability and permit requirements, but all the government stakeholders pushed back. This is our broken government.