Jan 5, 2023Liked by Olivia

Hi Peggy - Thanks for this! I have never taken Ivermectin and every time it is mentioned or I read about it, alarm bells go off. This usually means "stay away" for me. I've never been able to put my finger on why except that it is a pharm drug and I don't trust those at all. This research gives me so many more reasons to distrust it! It also gives me more pause about the organizations you mentioned that our side has been lauding since the beginning. Thanks so much for all of your hard work, as usual!!!

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I think ultimately no big pharma drugs are needed, although Ivermectin is not neuro-toxic as such and by my analysis is helpful.

Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!



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I agree. That's why we use food and herb based medicine. Your body knows what to do with it! Plus, generally, no side effects.

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My wife tells the story of a good friend of her's who as a trainee nurse was told (I don't know how or by who) that eating carrots was good for the eyesight. She ate rather a lot and consequently her skin turned yellowish!!

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I've heard that before with someone else. So funny!

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What about those countries who didn’t vax and gave IVM as a prophylactic drug and who never locked down or had very many covid cases ... coincidence or proof of early use of IVM?

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My thoughts exactly. There was a real outcome in India for the region that used IVM to cut down on the spread and deaths vs the regions that did not. Anecdotal evidence: My brother snuck IVM to someone in the hospital who was deathly ill and they recovered miraculously over a couple days. I am not a doctor and I agree that healthy speculation is a good thing, but I’m not seeing enough evidence yet to make me disbelieve IVM. I understood that they didn’t want to promote IVM because the patent expired and there was no money in it. What about all of the other medications they’ve come up with? Are all of them suspect too? Was there a point in time where they made safe drugs before they decided the world needed to be depopulated, and was this drug created at that time?

The only thing that concerns me now are it’s roots. They sound suspicious and worth digging into further. I appreciate your healthy skepticism, even if in this case I don’t yet agree, Peggy!

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All good points. I say the following:

Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!

Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and harmful, pain suppressants at best, but pointless when there are safer alternatives. The other drugs should not be required if people hadn't been poisoned by big pharma in the first place!

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Please, define "a covid case".

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Excellent article.

I swore off of all pharmaceuticals at the jump. I ended a 17 year dependence on opioids, cured my husband's Type II diabetes and fired our doctors. Thankfully, we'd never wasted a dime on "health" insurance and have the ability to grow and raise our own food...which is what got us both back to great health!

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wow! that’s amazing!!

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Peggy - I appreciate questioning everything, but all of this information about Ivermectin is from back when it was a Merck held patent (pre-1996) or while Billy Gates was working to take over financial control of the WHO. He had to look like a good guy for a while to gain approval. Now he funds more than 20% of the WHO and doesn't promote any drug that is off patent.

All pharma products need to be questioned. They were birthed from the Rockefeller's quest to get rid of waste in the oil industry and to create a global controlling elite. Regardless, sometimes they work, even if there may be other options. Most people have taken ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory, yet it can damage your liver and kidney.

Again, I like the questions, but if we take this too far, we will all need to question if Peggy is a plant by the global elite to suck us into a parallel agenda used to deceive the free-thinking public. Maybe you are creating a list of dissenters to submit to Gavin? This is all becoming very much like the discussion between the Pirate Roberts and the Sicilian in The Princess Bride. :-)

But actually - I agree that at the very least, even if Ivermectin is relatively safe, it is being used to create further dependency on the drug industry. Quercetin provides a similar response in the body and is a safer alternative.

But what if all supplements are laced with mRNA? What if it's in the water? What if Gates is buying water distributors (he is)? At some point, we need to have our eyes open but trust in God. He wins in the end!

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Best response I’ve read on this thread.

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BRAVO! Could not have said this better myself. I completely agree.

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Well said. Ivermectin is useful but as I say re big pharma:

Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!

They will charge a lot more if they can get away with it as the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

Re God wins.



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From my perspective, what they mean by "take this too far" is that if we question literally everything, who's to say that people don't then start to question Peggy, who she is, her true intentions, where she came from, etc. If we ask "what if" about everything, it will eventually lead to people questioning Peggy and what she preaches.

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I understand that, but that is what people need to do. I think it’s important to question everything. It’s called critical thinking.

It's common for people to have inquiries about others. You ought to be aware of who you are promoting, supporting, or interacting with. A deeper look into others can help dispel some of those uncertainties, enabling you to continue on with confidence because you are aware of the who the person is, their background, motivations, position, etc.

On a side note, as her assistant, I couldn't be more honored to support a more kind, principled, intelligent, and devoted individual!

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I understand your point and don't even totally disagree. However at some point, she's going to lose credibility if/when people start questioning Peggy. For example, I understand big pharma is evil, and I totally agree with that. However, on the rare occasion that I need an Advil after I've exhausted every natural remedy that I know of, I'm going to take one because it'll bring relief. Will taking 1 dose once a year completely ruin my health? No. I think that is the point the commenter is trying to make. It's not that we aren't critical thinkers, but we also need to weigh the pros and cons to make the best possible decisions.

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Yes, that is also a point in the article. I hope you will read it. There’s a time and place for western medicine and there’s no denying that.

And people should always have the information to make the best decision for them and that is also talked about in the article. People have the freedom of choice to use these drugs or not use these drugs.

And these discussions are important so the door shouldn’t remain closed. I do see where you’re coming from and thank you for talking with me!

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Well I obviously read the entire article or I wouldn't be commenting on its contents. Lol Have a nice evening!

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Question everything, including preachers.

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You’re asking great questions! Please dig deeper into the IVM safety issues. Follow Dimitry Kats on telegram - he’s been screaming about the dangers of IVM since the beginning!! https://t.me/HOM3OSTASIS

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I just got kicked out of that group for asking a question? Any idea why?? What are they hiding?

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I don’t trust any of these medications anymore. I have to rely and trust God and natural intervention. It takes a lot of patience and research but they work!

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Olivia

My question in my head about ivermectin has always been why do these doctors tell you to take it at first signs of illness. 1. Many people get thru the illness with no issues without ivermectin. 2. I am not going to test for the scamdemic virus with a faulty PCR test that comes up with many false positives. 3. All the symptoms described for scamdemic virus are the same for a cold or regular flu, so I would treat symptoms accordingly at home with natural methods.

So no, I am not going to take a pharmaceutical product at the first signs of a cold or flu.

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Yes and if I haven't said before, the old adage feed a cold and starve a fever is a good guide.

And as I might adapt the phrase 'If it feels like the 'flu, described symptoms the same as 'flu symptoms, then it is the 'flu!'

Of course 'flu symptoms vary from individual to individual, but then in reality all diseases are the 'flu, the internal poisoning of the body.


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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Thank you. I will read. I too am learning about the harms of vaccines since 2020. I had my few childhood vaccines, a couple of Tetanus shots & couple TB tests(I’m 60). I have never taken a flu shot as I haven’t had a fever since I was a child so never saw the need for a flu shot, nor any other adult shot. My husband has had less vaccines than me and never a flu shot. Unfortunately for my three kids, I naively just followed along with the childhood schedule. Thought doctors new best. Looking back realized never received full information about them before hand. Only a few times was given a sheet after the fact. Never knew the ingredients…always thought it was small amount of disease and that’s it. Maybe 20 years ago heard about mercury. Too late for my kids if it was in there. I know now my kids are injured. Asthma, allergies, ADHD in one, bipolar in another(though I think bipolar diagnosis has a lot to do with drug experimentation & high daily THC use, high caffeine use, limited eating, limited sleep, graveyard shift, many other stressors. Tapering off neuro toxic psych meds now.)

If I only knew years ago what I know now…I would have said “No” to all shots & educated my kids.

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Re mercury are you aware of the potential of mineral water high in silica? Sam Bailey, a doctor does a very good post on this on substack and quite recent. This is example of waters you can buy, but there are others of course.


What I think about doctors (UK, NHS) would be unrepeatable here. They misdiagnosed me re alleged cancer in 2020, although strictly perhaps cancer is toxic poisoning and not what as we are told. This is what caused my current energy drop and facial palsy, of particular use if you should eat processed meats.


The doctors recommended immuno-therapy which I took until I realised in Sept 2020 what was going on. I probably had equivalent of 9 vaccines in as many months! I believe that affected my thyroid levels.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Olivia

I've been skeptic of anything pHarma since day 1 of the pland3m1c. When there was a lot of talk about HCQ, I spoke out against that out of gut feelings and then eventually the information about why it's so bad came out...Now ivy is so popular thanks to controlled op of those "frontline doctors" among others and ofc, same gut feeling to AVOID like the plague and speak out against it. Once again, truth comes out. I advice all of you to watch this first: https://odysee.com/@MarvelPatriot:7/wss01e09:2 and don't even take their word for everything they say even though it's great info, do the research yourself!! Go to the source. Investigate, check out where they got their info (don't want to put his name or it may be censored, that's why I put a middlemen video). If you're still skeptic of him, go through all the research papers and articles he regularly posts on his channels and you will come to the correct conclusion that many have been largely deceived....!! Thank you, Peggy for writing this and getting people to think!! ~Cat

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I never heard anyrhing about HCQ being bad. (?)

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Yes!! Remember, pHarma is pHarma!!! There's a billion reasons why it's poison, but here are just some of them compiled in a document. The file is 2 years old so some of the links may not work. I saw so much research and didn't bother compiling a doc because it was enough for me to know. This file isn't mine, someone else made it and I just saved it. I just downloaded a copy and put it on here. Link expires in 1 week: https://we.tl/t-f1Bchpc4k4

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Thank you for that information. Its so sad though, they give this drug to people with Lupus!

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The FLCCC doctors have clearly stated that Ivermectin works for some but not all. It works in about 70% of the cases. It can cause some people nausea and upset stomachs, but it can help even the vaccine injured. If you go from totally unable to care for yourself to being able to do some things - that is a huge benefit. As with any medicine, try it for yourself. Go to flccc,net for more detailed information. They also have a weekly podcast that is excellent!

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As with any conventional "medicine", it is trash. I'm sorry if that's blunt, but it is the truth. True medicine heals and is not poison. What do you think gets people to need conventional medicine to begin with? That's right....pHarma !!!

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Agreed except I don't think Ivermectin is trash but that said I have no desire to take it. As I like to say Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!



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I have been unmasked for the last 3 years, and have not contracted the disease caused by the cooties. I have used the frontline doctors preventive plan. Any symptoms that broke through that plan were eliminated by IVM in about 4 hours, so horse paste worked for me at the anti-parasitic dose. It also helps long CVD recovery. The nation of Peru used it and saw a 14 fold decrease in CVD deaths. Then Peru elected a new president, he stopped treatment with IVM, and they saw a 13 fold increase in deaths.

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Peggy I am SO glad you have a Substack account now. Your writing is brilliant. Thanks and Love to you.

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I thought the suppression had to do with this 🤷🏻‍♀️

& also you can’t have an EUA product if there is a treatment, so that would’ve knocked out the “cocktail.”

Also, I wonder how often parasites are actually the cause of dis-ease. Wouldn’t want an anti-parasitic clearing that up for everyone. 🤔

Thank you, Peggy, for all that you do!

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I don't think that article is factual based on the date or the doctors involved. Ivermectin has been around since the 50's, I believe.

Not saying that I doubt ivermectin, but if the patents expired in '96, I am going to assume that any accolades or awards would have been distributed much sooner. I can tell you that ivermectin has made me more regular, and seems to have benefited gall bladder discharge.

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I agree

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One thing you can be sure of - is do not trust ANY vaccine! Or the mainstream medical narrative. Do your own research!

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Yes, do not trust or take any vaccine. Or cancer therapies as I had immuno-therapy in 2020, 9 sessions in as many months until I worked out what was really going on, no thanks to wretched NHS doctors in the UK. I now believe ingredients in the carrying substances similar to vaccines!! My thyroid levels are currently out of balance, affecting my energy.



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I suspected it was the controlled opposition. Your research makes it solid!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Olivia

Fascinating perspective. Thanks!

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It’s time to take back our health, trust/believe in God’s provisions from the beginning (Garden of Eden), stop bowing down to idols of our own making, and prove all things as Scripture teaches. Let’s not grow weary in doing good and encourage others to love God.

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