My great grandparents had a dairy in LA county. It was stolen from them to build the city of Baldwin Park. A park there USED TO BE named Laguna Creek Park, that was his dairy. Now it is named after some communist hispanic activist. :-(

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This is all UN Agenda21 2030

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Disney/Pixar’s film up had them government wanting to take away Carl and Ellie’s home to build on. Carl refused to sell and then “up” he went. Interesting.

Another note - my great grandparents came from Germany to America in 1922, never returned to their homeland. My great grandfather (who I knew until he passed when I was 16) said goodbye to his mother at age 22 and never saw her again (lump in my throat). Nanny and Baba were sponsored by an old aunt in Iowa. They worked hard, became citizens, and wanted to be everything American. When my grandma was born in 1924 my nanny wanted to name her a German name and my Baba said proudly, she is an American and will have an American name! They eventually made their way to San Francisco which is where we still are (not in the city anymore). I went to Ellis Island years ago and brought the ship manifests to my grandma which had her parents information. She was thrilled. We didn’t have property taken as your grandparents but I tell this story of the hopes and dreams that our ancestors had for a better life in America, the land of opportunity.

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I wish I could go back and correct the spelling/grammar errors.

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The question is can a right be taxed? Can the air your breathe be taxed? Can you be taxed to speak, defend yourself or own property. Personal property is not just land, it is yourself. Nonetheless, the answer is no. a right cannot be turned into a priviledge and cannot be taxed. (I apologize I don't have case law off the top of my head). There is a case right now in Pennsylvania, Faggioloa v. State of Pennsylvania. He is making this very argument. The bottom line is, know your rights, learn how to file, and start suing in their personal capacity, 42 USC 1983.

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They can't biblically steal it

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There’s absolutely no law that says you have to file federal income tax. Therefore if you dont have to file federal you absolutely do not have to file state.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

UNDER UCC18 SUBJET matter jurisdiction--turning a right into a privilege is a violation of rights. usc18--241, 242 THAT IS A CRIME. ( fines and prison up to 20 years). Also see usc18, 1341. Also goes against Sherman Anti Trust Act, USC15--articles 1-7. The Sherman Anti Trust and also Clayton Act are in place to protect the individual from being over powered by the state. “Any attempt by the state to convert the claimant’s property into a commercial asset for the benefit of municipal corporations without just compensation is a Tort condemned by: see case City of Monterey V Monty Dunes. The SCOTUS ruled that municipal corporations cannot convert property that is not owned by them. There is no expiration date on the “takings clause” of a man’s property for cities illegal enforcement of its codes restricting a man’s business or property. See Plazolo V Rhode Island (2001 case). Code enforcement cannot take place unless property is lawfully acquired FIRST.

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Very important citations, thank you for sharing!

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

How ironic that this suddenly comes to light as Israel - as we speak - literally demolishes and steals Palestinian property 24/7/365...

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