If we look back at the Boston Bombing footage- loaded with crisis actors, I am thinking that these two are probably there somewhere. and I will do some research. I remember seeing the same actress being interviewed at the Sandy Hook shooting as well as the Boston Bombing false flag operation. Peggy- outstanding job. It is so important to see these ridiculous interviews with all the beard picking and odd statements that do not give any information at all -they are just supposed to make you afraid and to keep you thinking that a gun can pop out anywhere and start going off at any time.Also the “ facts” are constantly changing so that no two people can talk about the story and come up with an accurate timeline. The goal is fear, confusion, and terror that can only be remedied by removing your right to defend yourself. The actors used in the interviews are examples of who they think WE ARE- unintelligent, inarticulate, sloppy, the “ unwashed masses” who need the globalists superior intelligence to survive. NO satan, we do not agree with you

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Hey Peggy,

I’m relatively new to your Substack. I appreciate how much I’ve learned from the short time that I’ve been watching your videos. I was already questioning events in general, but now I can earmark better “tells” because of your insightful pointers.

As regards the young boy and girl who were wearing the complementary orange football jerseys - you didn’t comment about the following facts nor does it seem anybody else did in the comments herein - it looks like the guy was wearing the number 15 and the girl was wearing 87, which equals 15. The numbers were obscured but I’m pretty sure that’s what the shirts showed. Hoi veh! The criminal globalists sure lack imagination, and are increasingly becoming way too obvious!

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Peggy not trying to be a jerk but we should not use the word “migrant.” We can call them invaders, illegals or ((TPTB)) bio-weapons because remember words have meaning in the universe, aka spelling. Curiously why is it these invaders are never from somewhere like S Africa where White farmers are being slaughtered or maybe Christian’s from Ukraine??? It’s going to have to get racial at some point for self preservation..if you read the old Naturalization Act this country was founded for and by White European Christians until the ((usual suspects)) got involved and opened the floodgates. We see White European countries being invaded by Indians, Africans and Muslims but why not send them to China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Africa… It’s all in the Kalergi Plan and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

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I enjoyed the moment where NASA guy said that they ( he and bubbles) tried to get over to help some of the victims but -“...unfortunately we weren’t able to get there and like help out before paramedics arrived...” (?)

Seems like there’s more $$$ involved in being a crisis actor than in bearing false witness ! ;)

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I guarantee there is no family of invaders living with them. These two are former professional actors, and they're still acting. I was curious so I ran a search on Colin first. I found his Bio and a picture of him when he was a bit younger, but, it's definitely him. From his Linkedin Bio. Here's the last line of his Linkedin profile:

"My first career was as a stage actor, specializing in musicals and Shakespeare. My background is in graphic design, Star Wars trivia, and "white privilege"." https://www.linkedin.com/in/colinstokes/

Background in "White Privilege"?

OK, now for his wife. No doubt at all about the picture Being "Jessica".

She works for Ernst & Young, a major globalist consulting firm in Boston. Below is the last line of her Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-stokes-transformationstrategist/

"While on a Flexible Work Arrangement at EY, I worked as a successful professional actress for over ten years, on Broadway, television and film, and at regional theaters across the United States."

So, these two Globalists are the perfect actors for this new EDI film production.

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Thank you for using the appropriate term INVADERS. Yes and old Colin I’m betting isn’t really White, but actually jewish…aka Jewish privilege and the same with that woman. This is what Harvard turns out “change agents” GREAT research!

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How can we claim this misplaced (illegal) persons on our taxes 💵

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You gave me such a laugh because I’m thinking we’re now living in a twilight zone!!!

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Tptb are weaponizing people’s compassion and kindness … this is a good example

And it’s a very common tactic used by narcissists. They prey on the goodness of people to execute their goals of total control.

Let the elites house the migrants in their 4-5 houses across the US.

You don’t see the OBAMA’s or Oprah or Bezos or Ellison housing Maui fire victims. Clearly they have lots of empty beds.

They’re all hypocrites.

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All excellent points that seem to be so logical, but no one either thinks about it or they are afraid to go against the mob mentality. So refreshing to see likeminded thinkers...which seems to be growing faster than ever. Maybe we do have a chance in this war for our minds (and everything else).

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Good analysis Peggy, as usual. I didn't pick up on the idea that the Boston family could be actors, but I guess that has to be considered with anything the MSM puts out.

Did you ever opine on the legitimacy of the Damar Hamlin images? Thanks.

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The reason the Godless world owners & elite's so Need the induced Chaos,[we see] is to bring the Chang, they need, for the Change you'er gunna git! "You'll own nothing, and be happy, I.E their advertised motto & goal! (That we deserve!) I.e. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” — Benjamin Franklin. "Our Constitution Was Made Only for a Moral and Religious People." John Adams I.E. You can't have a Godless neo Sodom Gomorra style LGBTQIA promoting, mass baby killing, prosperous, crime free nation! If you can believe Ben Franklin or John Adams! Remember "Our Creator" is watching U.S.

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I'm glad you pointed out the fact that the people supposedly hosting illegals in their home are probably actors, too. It's amazing to me how condescending the people behind this are. Do they really think anyone in their right mind is going to be game for having total strangers, that just broke the law, staying in their home? Which leads me to my next comment-- this is prime material for vulnerable migrants to end up in human trafficking/human slavery situations. Because, again, no normal person in their right mind is going to agree to have strangers living in their home, but I would bet a lot of people with nefarious intent will see this as a great money- making opportunity.

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