Oct 18, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Florida has the third largest Jewish population of any of the States in the US. Nearly 675,000 Jewish people live in Florida and they ALL Vote... you can bet your bippy on THAT and they tend to vote as a block so Governor DeSantis is going to court them! Most of them are Liberal Democrats however so it's not so easy. When I was growing up outside Chicago in the 50's it was no secret that Jews made up a large percentage of tourists to Florida from New York and Chicago. His association with Bibi Netanyahu is disturbing to me but he is still a young man and has much to learn... his handling of Florida has shown me that he is willing to listen and learn from others and to question what does not make sense...

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Dennis, I'd much rather have him as the governor than Newscum!!

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me too.... He's unique among all the politicians in the US.... not perfect....yet..lol... but certainly head and shoulders above nearly every other one and certainly any Democrat... Courageous, sensible, intelligent, and a "doer" in the best sense of the word. My friends who moved to Florida all love him...

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So much for DeSantis' care and/or concern for our important First Amendment for Free Speech.

Gradually losing our First Amendment, leading to encroaching tyranny.

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This has been the bottom line for centuries. Question...who runs the central banks? Answer - the same evil that run the Mossad Media Matrix, Big Pharma and are the puppetmasters behind our facade government.

Our King warned us about the Synagogue of Satan (John 8:44). And for Believers, He promised they will kneel at our feet in His timing (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)

Once you understand this Truth and how the Synagogue of Satan has infiltrated everything...everything will make perfect sense.

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Skull and Bones from Yale. Selected, not elected. However, I'd much rather have DeSantis than the pond scum Gillum that FL narrowly avoided in 2018. He's now indicted on 21 federal charges related to his campaign money and wire fraud.

Not even his buddy Obummer could save him

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