Ooohhh, Peggy, I think you'd be HIGHLY interested in this one! RFK Jr is brought into the story close to the half-way mark. https://debbielerman.substack.com/p/cia-central-casting-the-means-episode

While you're there, also check out Debbie's and Sasha's Dossier from Feb 4. Brilliant investigating.

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So how many times will people call us a “democracy”!!! We are NOT a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic! We have the privilege of electing people to represent us, and we have checks and balances to help prevent one branch of the government from taking control and turning our nation into a dictatorship. And, Peggy, RFKjr, did flat out lie either in the confirmation hearings, or to us, in his investigative work on vaccines and their dangers.

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Feb 6Edited

This is interesting...from Jon Rappaport, who's no dummy. I can't read it all as I'm not a paid subscriber there, but even the short bit I can see gives one pause to think, regarding what JFK Jr likely couldn't pull off if he even wanted to.


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I owe you an apology Peggy because I truly believed you were diluting your point by continually harping on this issue. THEN! THEN! THEN! My inbox was flooded with emails from various news sources of which many were Independent and or Substack applauding and lauding his confirmation. I have since unsubscribed from each and every one. I am shocked and appalled only YOU and Patrick Henningsen (who I adore) are the only two people thus far exposing Junior for the charlatan he is! Do us all a huge favor and continue to uncover and expose all his lies so those of us can publish them in all the comment sections who have fallen for this charade

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Bobby played them and they are playing him. Both sides know he is anti vax. Is this a faustian bargain? RFK was a real man of substance taking on the companies who poisoned us, standing up for clean air and foods. He won alot and his base is solid. However with vaccines (which he knows are wrong, untested, made for medical tyranny) he has bitten off more than he can chew. They are confirming him due to pressure, there is going to be some relief for pro RFK team, but watch, they know this confirmation (letting him into the club) is only figuratively. A token do gooder! The status quo will be the same. He didnt win their hearts and minds. Its controlled opposition. I quess it saved his life. The Senate hearings are as defunct as our governments in-action we have seen these last 4 year. Pass the popcorn

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RFK was a real man of substance . . . I’ll say! Substance abuse! 🤪

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inaccurate assessment, pure conjecture, thus useless commentary

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If you are correct, then you ability to discern is stellar. On the other hand if you are incorrect, you must partake of a large slice of humble pie. Strongly suspect you are wrong and happy to eat the entire pie if my assessment skills were bamboozled. The wins of DJT are extraordinary in two weeks including the partial confirmation of RFK that is likely finalized next week.

USAID getting cut off at the ankles is 1000x more important as it has been used as the money laundering operation internationally. That is the 180 degree turn we have been awaiting...

Click baiting is what your title accomplished, not particularly interesting.

DJT just posted: Autism is now 1 in 34, it used to be 1 in 10,000

We need Bobby...

We need to pay attention...

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Not sure which is worse your ardent support of Junior and or the buffon. Then again they are one and the same, both fraudsters. Newsflash: Donald Trump is a myth and so is everything else in Washington. The whole thing is a charade. Marco Rubio SOS? The man couldn’t find his own ass on a map. There is no difference between either party it’s simply which one can pilfer the coffers and enrich their cronies.

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The earlier breaking points for me were his public affirmations of subjugation to Israel in 2023 (which I hope many MAHA/MAGA Ziolovers realize was one of the heaviest promoters, pushers, and implementers of the clot shots in the world), and his withdrawal as an independent candidate and shift to Trump about a year later (August '24, just in time for the election homestretch), which was a complete betrayal, worse than the 2016 Bernie Sanders "betrayal," of millions who were activated by and supported him. And he had the highest level of 3rd party support since at least Ross Perot, and could have openly voiced his (alleged) true feelings and opinions about vaccines and countless other things.

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Ive been regularly following RFK Jr and his CHD since long Before Covid reared its ugly head. He won me over by watching him in private conversations with individuals like Dr David E Martin, Dr Reiner Füllmich, Dr Michael Yeadon and many others 5 years ago! BTW, Reiner Füllmich is now rotting in a German prison for speaking out against Covidiocy and exposing the WEF/WHO/UN conspiracy behind it!

I too was disturbed by some of the answers regarding vaccines but this was not an opportunity for Mr. Kennedy to really expound on all the information he has proving that vaccines are no longer, if ever safe and effective. With this group, all of them on both sides of the aisle, accepting money from big Pharma and big agriculture, it was not the time for reasoning or lectures. The Democrats were out to get him for there is nothing they hate more than an apostate, someone who has been a member of the party and no longer goes along to get along.

Bobby’s position always was that vaccines must be PROVEN to be REALLY “Safe and Effective” before they are marketed. Now, he knows that with what we now know about these things that would be IMPOSSIBLE. Loaded with mercury, propylene glycol, active pathogens, and now lipid nanoparticles and “graphene” of all things, these things have moved so FAR from “safe” its not even funny! Regarding “effective”, there is credible science which has accumulated over the last 30 years that improved hygiene and nutrition as well as treatments have made these vaccine therapies unnecessary but the evidence has been ignored and suppressed. Kennedy knows that the evidence being suppressed by Big Pharma is damning to say the least and few if any “vaccines” would be allowed on the market if it werent for massive bribes, suppression of science and outright fraud. Bobby’s children are in their 40s and 50s so when they got the vaccines, there were far fewer and more testing done. His support of vaccines has always, always been predicated on Proof that they were not only safe but effective as well. You will notice that all communication from the US health bureaucracy has been stopped, pending Mr. Kennedy’s approval and a reevaluation of all that information as well as the people who are disseminating it.

You could be right, Peggy. He might just be a shill. His entire 45 year career and all the things he wants to do, such as getting pesticides out of our food, Roundup out of our diet, poison out of our water and air, supporting small farmers and organic foods over factory farms, putting real science back in our health bureaucracy, breaking the grip of Big Pharma and Big agriculture, and turning around the epidemic of chronic disease in the United States may just have been a “farce” so he could end up his career as another whore of giant international cartels. I will still put my trust in him and you can call me a sycophant if you like but I’ve never seen anyone who was spent so many decades, fighting corruption and been reviled and put upon even by his turncoat family as he has just so they could let everyone down who supports them and end up in disgrace!

I know what Ive written here is unlikely to change your mind but I had to get it out for those of us who have spent so much time and energy and money trying to make a difference and see things differently!

God Bless you Peggy but Im praying your wrong on this one..we shall see..

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Oh dear! You didn’t know that the Kennedy family is one of the 13 ruling families? That’s right. They’re part of the cabal. They don’t let their children stray from the goals to enslave all of humanity. RFK is what is called controlled opposition or controlled oppo. Controlled oppo have jobs, like Elon Musk, like Alex Jones, like Russell Brand, Del BigTree and many others in the “truther” community. Their jobs are to infiltrate the truther community and act as if they are against the system, gaining followers who trust them. They spout truths that resonate with unsuspecting people and at some point, they ultimately lead their sheep astray. This is RFK to a tee. It’s ok if you were bamboozled. Don’t be afraid to jump ship. I trusted Trump for 5 years until I realized what a lying POS he is. You could say he’s also controlled oppo.

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Peggy ~ so Bobby wants more testing… like animal torture? Ever since Pasteur, the tests have been horrific rituals.

I doubt Bobby’s followers have thought about tests that are really animal torture rituals.


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I already knew about that disgusting, animal-torturing charlatan, Pasteur! The rest of that piece is SOOOO horrific, I'll have to read it in snippets. But from all I've learned already, I can already see it's correct. And yes, it IS ritualistic-based!

Yet most people have been SO mind controlled, deluded and damaged, they can't, or don't want to, accept or face such utter horrors as the FACTS that they are. And of course it's not just nonhuman animals either, who've been tortured, sacrificed and killed over eons. Children have also been heavily used. The Death Cult is, and has been, driving everything pretty much all along. And so it will continue until people realize these players are all ACTORS doing the bidding of the evil forces behind all of it.

"Most people today can't even admit the truth to themselves, let alone to others." - Jason Christoff (Mind Control expert)

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Self delusion is epidemic.

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Peggy, your honest investigating and research is so helpful. I’d love to get you insight on what’s really going on with DOGE, Musk and USAID? Some things Musk does seem great, but other things Musk is involved with seem terrifying. Trying to sort that one out now.

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Peggy, I just have to say HUGE thank you for putting all this together. I so appreciate your efforts, and that I don't have to do it, because Peggy did!

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Right with you, Peggy! Thanks for pointing all of this out. It’s so important.

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The irony is, that he himself was injured by a "vaccine"! Guess misery loves company after all.

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As always, you’re hitting’ the nail on the head.

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I submit that there is no such thing as "restoring trust in institutions", only in particular people. And only if those individuals have established a track record worthy of trust.

RFK Jr. has shown me from the get-go that he is just another fast-talking slimy politician who knows how to work the system, which is exactly why he was chosen by Trump. You see, Mr. Trump had one political weakness: being an unrepentant "father of the jab". RFK could fix that by rehabilitating Trump's public image without actually changing anything. It seems to be working.

And personally, I cannot imagine trusting anyone like RFK Jr. who goes to work for the same government that murdered his father. Do you honestly believe the CIA is going to take orders from him and not the other way around?

Once again the American people are being played. WHY do people love being lied to?!

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It is NOT okay to lie for any kind of “convenience”.

At the present times, in our Country, and in our world, “we the people” a/k/a “humanity” have been lied to for many nefarious agendas, from political motivations and expensive wars to egregious financial “reasons” for government decisions — the outcomes we now live with. Perhaps the worst is the “well being” and “health” for humanity as a genetically engineered Covid-19 “vaccine” has been marketed. And RFJ, Jr. has spoken about this!

I am absolutely speechless at RFK Jr.’s about face.

Thank you Peggy for continuing to bring truth to the masses — indeed, calling on common sense and critical thinking.

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Just so you’re aware, genetics is likely also a falsity, similar to the pseudoscience of virology. Dr. Cowan et all have covered this.

TPTSB may want you to think you’re genetically modified to scare you because then they could pull out the trick that you are no longer human, but patented and a slave.

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