Palisades Fire is NOT Natural
I grew up with "Santa Ana Winds" and they rarely ever (naturally) occur in January
So many subscribers have asked me if I’m going to cover the latest fire warfare in California with the Palisades Fire.
Welp, here you go!
I’ll admit that I’ve got “fire fatigue” — and I am not even directly affected by this latest designer disaster. Please know that my heart goes out to all those whose lives and properties are being decimated by this latest terrorist attack.
Yes, I said terrorist attack.
That is the most logical conclusion I can draw. Inflicting terror upon the unsuspecting population cannot be explained any other way. We’ve seen it in so many places across our plane(t). I personally do not believe that these frequent fires are natural.
There are too many, too large, and too hot.
I’ve broadcast well over one hundred videos about this strange fire behavior (see my youtube playlists on fires and Maui fires and weather manipulation) with tons of details and facts to support my claims, including how these fire temperatures defy the physics of fire. I’ve analyzed several California fires, the Maui fires, those in Canada, Oregon, Wyoming, New Mexico, Tenerife, Gatlinburg, Europe — you name it. Fires are “breaking out” in places that are not normally at risk for fires.
The reason I’ve got “fire fatigue” is because it’s basically the same scenario again and again. You’ll see these same patterns and “tells” that are a dead giveaway that something many things are not adding up. I don’t need to do a detailed analysis of each news report of each event, as my cursory look at what’s going on follows the same pattern and “playbook” as you can see below:
There is no reasonable explanation for the cause of the fire. Everything is “under investigation” and we will never be told the reason. Sure, it will be blamed on the electric company or a crazed arson, but those stories will be buried or presented with so much confusion and conflicting information that the truth never really sees the light of day.
The fire will definitely be blamed on global warming/climate change. What is the phrase that’s being used these days? They have to keep changing it because it never makes sense. If these fires are caused by climate change then why in the non-spinning world aren’t the fire departments more prepared? Why aren’t there more personnel and more trucks and more technology and drones and the much-touted all-knowing “A.I.”?? Where is the water to put out the fires? The dropping of fire retardants by supertankers? You’re telling me that in this day and age of public serpents spewing their fear-mongering about the climate that these states have not taken steps to be prepared for the very climate change they rail against? I don’t believe in climate change, but even by their own standards, this is stupid.
The fire damage defies physics and logic. Stucco and red-tile roofs burned to the ground, turned into ash — while nearby trees and bushes are unscathed? Plastic hoses, trash cans and kid’s playhouses survive while cars are melted? The propaganda machine called “the news”makes sure these images are shown non-stop so the weak-minded are easily brainwashed into thinking this is normal. It is not.
Electricity rates and insurance rates will increase, using the fire as the justification. Power companies will get richer while insurance companies will refuse to cover some homeowners, leaving Daddy guberment to step in and offer higher cost and inferior coverage.
Economic fallout will occur from damaged businesses, including home-based businesses, and some people will move out of state to try to outrun the lava flow of tyranny, terrorism and oppression.
Government land grabs are primed to occur with properties that will be deemed too toxic to rebuild on.
Government expands as does the individual’s reliance on it in the form of FEMA, loans, rehousing, etc.
Despair and depression rises, along with persistent health problems caused by the fire, ash and chemicals, as innocent people have to rebuild their homes, families, businesses, hopes and dreams.
Out of chaos, order. Yes, that is the motto of those who seek to steal, kill and destroy all that we hold dear. There will be renewed calls for more energy tyranny (well, they’ll call it “green energy” or “renewable energy” or what’s the latest moniker? Oh yes, “clean energy” which is a farce.)
The evil-DEWers will celebrate their latest attack, too stupid to realize that more and more of us are waking up and are no longer being duped, hoodwinked and bamboozled by their deception.
The fallout of these fire events is unfathomable. A step-by-step analysis will be done by many online who can also read between the lies and they’ll point out all the blatant and obvious fire anomalies. It is truly devastating and tragic to realize how many people are affected by these attacks. Yes, I believe these fires are intentional, for all of the reasons I’ve listed above.
What say you?
P.S. As strange as it may seem, there are those who are celebrating this destruction, twisting it around as a well-deserved punishment for those in the evil entertainment industry. Yes, Pacific Palisades and the areas affected are indeed in the greater Los Angeles area. But I find it hard to believe that allowing the intentional destruction of the homes and livelihood and way of life for so many innocents would be a part of this plan.
I will be doing more coverage on this so be sure to join me daily at 4 pm Pacific on my Youtube channel here. We’ll talk about the LA Mayor being out of the country, how she slashed the LA Fire Dept budget by millions, how there was no water in the fire hydrants, how there was incessant chemtrailing leading up to the fire warfare, artificially-created high winds, how the insurance companies cancelled policies PRIOR to this disaster, and how this clears the way for a SMART city coinciding with the demonic Olympics for 2028 in Los Angeles.
Much more coverage coming, stay tuned! And Please SHARE this substack so you can help me get the truth out.
Like many others here, I can't recall the Santa Ana winds ever occurring anywhere near this time of year. But I've only live here 69 years.
Nothing about any of these USG/Globalist/Khazarian Mafia sponsored Arson Fires is natural. It's hard trying to expose this when most are glued to their brainwashing MSM for information.
Thank you Peggy for being a voice for us all!