Friends, there's one issue where I cannot compromise (and neither should anyone concerned about the dangers of globalism): the casual discussion about incorporating Canada as the "51st state."
Let me be clear: Canada will never become America's 51st state. Not in the manner Trump envisions.
How does Trump envision it? Just look at his recent social media post where he mentioned wanting to "get rid of that artificially drawn line..." What exactly does he mean?
Is he referring to sovereign borders?
Remember, just because Trump proposes something doesn't automatically make it a good idea.
I urge everyone — think critically about this proposal.
When has bigger government ever equated to better governance?
If absorbing Canada into the United States is such a brilliant concept, why stop there? Why not add Mexico as Joe Rogan suggested? Why not incorporate Australia and New Zealand while we're at it?
It seems the lessons of history are being forgotten. A certain European dictator with a distinctive mustache had similar expansionist ideas. Poland didn't wish to become part of Germany? Too bad. The dictator wanted control, claiming it was for Poland's benefit.
I'm astonished that people could be so easily persuaded into supporting another Operation Warp Speed — this time accelerating toward globalism!
This may sound harsh, but what rational reason exists for the US to absorb Canada? The cultures are fundamentally different. Canada operates under a socialist framework where citizens pledge allegiance to the British monarchy.
Welcome to The USSA??
Returning to the problem that "bigger isn't better" — when has a larger political entity ever proven more effective? Remember the Soviet Union? And how it collapsed? To remind you: Vladimir Lenin violently seized power in Russia just over a century ago. He was succeeded by Joseph Stalin, whose legacy includes genocide on an industrial scale, partly accomplished by deliberately starving populations he forcibly brought under Soviet control. Stalin ranks among history's most murderous dictators, comparable only to China's Mao.
Millions perished in countries Stalin conquered by force (similar to how Trump suggests taking Canada through economic coercion). Stalin's regime not only murdered innocent people but forced "resettlement," including deportation and slave labor.
Stalin's most heinous achievement may be the mass starvation of nearly 15 million people through the deliberate destruction of agricultural regions. The famine of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor, specifically targeted Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Was this covered in your history classes? It wasn't in mine.
In brief: Under Stalin's grand consolidation plan, everything became "centralized." Rather than local farmers employing methods appropriate to their specific regions, everything was dictated by the collective—the centralized Soviet government. Farmers needed permission to farm and could only use government-supplied seeds. The problem? The government withheld those seeds, making farming impossible. This is admittedly simplified, but captures the big picture. Later, Stalin blamed and punished the farmers (whose families were starving) for poor yields that were actually caused by centralized mismanagement. Classic gaslighting!
The Soviet Union eventually collapsed under the weight of inefficiency and economic failure. Simply put: socialism and communism are fundamentally flawed systems. That's why the Soviet Union disintegrated.
Come on, Trump. Your loose talk about Canada becoming a part of the USA has many of us concerned that you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, put in place to usher in the New World Dis-Order at Warp Speed. I, for one, am not in favor. I can barely get along with my own HOA association! How in the non-spinning world am I supposed to get along with Canadians? I thought you, Trump, advocated for securing borders, not dissolving them?
What say you?
P.S. There are those who say “Trump is just trolling Trudeau.” How charming. So we are supposed to not believe what the incoming president says? Not take him at his word? Reminds me of people who say that Bobby Kennedy knows that vaccines can never be safe, but he pushes for more vaccine testing anyway. Forget that innocent children (animals too) will be harmed in the meantime, while Big Pharma gets bigger, as they benefit from increased vaccine testing. Makes zero sense to me. But then again, I have not been selected by the powers-that-shouldn’t be to shape the public narrative, expand government control, and usher in the New World Dis-Order. My marching orders come from a higher source and I will continue to defend truth and freedom, no matter the cost.
As a Canadian, I'd welcome ability to roam around the continent with more ease, and choose to easily relocate to a warmer place to live, plus I'm not a fan of socialism, nor of Carbon Tax nor of the Digital ID Control Grid.
That being said, from the perspective you are highlighting, I agree with you.
This is a move that previous horrific leaders have taken, leading to devastation. Not a fan either....let's just keep countries as they are, and focus on ensuring that the populations are supportive of their respective neighbors.
Canada and USA enjoy, after all, a better relationship than most neighboring countries in the rest of the world enjoy.
I barely have to read your article, but I will later. NO.
We like our neighbors, but we don't need to encourage globalism and the NWO.😡😡
Thank you!