How to Spot the Fakes, Frauds and Phonies
Plus, a short reflection of the early years of this hogwash
Many of you have been asking me: How do you know who you can trust in the freedom movement? Could it be that there are infiltrators and saboteurs? Or those who started out legit but were compromised? Or those who are just plain hypocrites?
In other words: How can you spot the fakes, frauds and phonies?
I have an entire video about this for you on this topic. Click here to watch.
Please let me know what is on your list; I would love to hear from you! What red flags do you look for?
I'm here to support you in developing your critical thinking abilities so that we can expose bad actors and find true solutions for living in liberty.
Do they Walk their Talk?
Let me start with a couple of personal experiences that made me raise my eyebrows and become a bit more skeptical in terms of who was who in the freedom movement.
My story goes back to May of 2020, when I published my first video for The Healthy American on Youtube. I exposed how the California Governor had no authority for calling a “covid” emergency, because the conditions did not meet the criteria set forth under the California Emergency Services Act. Therefore the emergency was null, void, illegitimate and invalid. That video went viral, and prior to being taken down from YouTube by censors, it got about 1.8 million views. People started emailing me to find out how I figured that out, how I was aware of the health and safety regulations, if I could help them understand the laws in their respective states, how they could fight back against these businesses that were forcing them to suffocate themselves, how they could help their children attend school without having to take these drastic measures, and so on.
I set myself apart from many other YouTubers, activists, podcasters, and others by staying focused on the law and your rights and offering solutions, strategies and resources. I did not want to put you in the spin cycle and lead you down a path of dread and destruction. Since science and medicine have no bearing on your rights, I rarely talk about that subject. It doesn't matter if there is a totally safe and effective cooties cocktail that contains Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and that extends your life expectancy to 120 years! I will never take it. And certainly not because the government tells me to.
You see: I've never really focused on the science, statistics, or the ingredients of the vaccines because they are all secondary to the truth, which is:
No emergency, no disease and no “pandemic” has ANY legitimate basis for the government to suffocate our God-given, irrevocable, natural-born rights.
So, around the summer of 2020, I started getting a lot of requests for public speaking and interviews. I received an invitation to a so-called freedom event that was being held in Mexico. I assumed the event and the speakers were all about standing up for your rights and I thought, “Wow! How in the world are people going from the United States to Mexico on a plane without wearing a suffocation device?!”
Many well-known individuals had been invited to speak at this event, and I was interested in learning how these purported freedom fighters would get to Mexico to deliver their speeches without complying with the transportation tyranny. So I called one of the event organizers and asked: "How are the speakers getting to Mexico? Do you have a private plane? Are you all driving or boarding a big bus? Could you please explain the logistics?"
“You're in California, so you'd definitely fly” he replied.
I paused and took a breath…. thinking: maybe he didn’t understand what I was really asking. What I wanted to know was how to fly on a plane without complying with tyranny by self-suffocating just to “not make waves.”
Well, I ended up declining the speaking invitation and I explained to the event coordinator that I wouldn’t fly because all of the airlines (illegally) required the suffocation devices… #neverhaveneverwill
He was somewhat taken aback that I was asking that question, and he just answered, "Oh okay, well you know a lot of people would like to hear from you." As if that would be the reason I would give up my rights, my soul, my own dignity, integrity, and self-respect…
No way, no how would I ever comply, and certainly not for the sake of publicity or convenience.
So there was my first encounter with hypocrites among us, posing as freedom warriors while completely participating and complying with the hogwash. I have nothing against someone exercising their right to do as they choose, — all I ask is that you don't portray yourself as a fighter for liberty when you just gave in, gave up and gave over your rights to go to an event all about defying this tyranny!
Previously, I had been invited (for the second time) to be a keynote speaker at a rally in Sacramento, California’s capital. (The first time I went, I drove several hours with my sister to attend.) I was told that Southwest airlines had not yet started requiring the suffocation devices at that time, but I decided to check with the airlines directly before booking a flight.
When I booked my ticket with an agent, we even had a little chuckle over how lucky I was to be flying before the (illegal) requirements, and that I was just getting in under the wire. I had even called the airlines three times for confirmation of this fact because I didn’t want to go to all this trouble and agree to speak at an event if I couldn’t get there.
As it turns out, at the airport, I was denied boarding and was told there was a mix-up and I’d have to return to the ticket counter. At the ticket counter, I saw the plane taking off without me! The agents didn’t care that I was exempt from self-suffocation — all they cared about was making me as miserable as they appeared to be, hostile and hateful behind their menacing masks. Ugh! The worst of it was seeing other “patriots” who were boarding the same flight. They all dutifully took their suffocation devices out of their pockets and reluctantly put them on. As if “not wanting to” do so was enough of a protest. One person even tried to convince me to “just put it on — it’s only for 45 minutes! And there are all these people waiting to see you in Sacramento!”
Sacramento?! The real protest was not in Sacramento, it was right there in the Orange County Airport! I was the ONLY one who was actually standing up for my rights. I was more upset at the “freedom fighters” betraying themselves than I was at the moronic masked marauders at the airport.
Later, a few of these individuals did contact me with apologies, guilt and remorse, saying they were inspired — and humbled — by seeing me stand up so strongly without even wavering. For me, it was a no-brainer: what is the use of going to a rally for freedom if you are going to give up your freedom along the way? All I ask is that you WALK your TALK!
All this brings me to the subject at hand.
I could go on and on about well-known “freedom fighters” who traveled to events where they obediently submitted to self-suffocation, nasal assaults, or any other absurd protocols in order to get on stage and urge others to “stand up for your rights!”
So, that is clue #1: Do they walk their talk? Or do they give in, give up and give over their freedom and then say that they “had to.”
Friends, no one has to do anything. There is always another way.
REMEMBER: I’m talking about prominent figures in the freedom fight. What bothers me is when these individuals are exhorting you to do something, but they are not even doing it themselves.
Are they fixated on “vaccine safety”?
This leads me to the next warning sign: What about these prominent figures that are always talking about making these vaccines safe? Do they call for increased government oversight and research towards creating "safer vaccines"?
All of this is a side show, a limited hangout, and a distraction designed to make people worry and become fixated on the ingredients in the vaccines, the VAERS report, and the horrific side effects of these poison needles. While my thoughts are with anyone who has lost a loved one or suffered devastating side effects — those who are focusing on “making vaccines safer” are missing the point! The conversation is NOT about “vaccine safety” — it’s about YOUR individual rights to choose whether or not you are willing to participate in any medical intervention, including vaccines. What’s next? Forced abortions? Forced castrations? Forced euthanasia?
No emergency, no disease and no “pandemic” has ANY legitimate basis for the government to suffocate our God-given, irrevocable, natural-born rights.
You have God-given rights that cannot be violated, regardless of whether “vaccines” are safe or not.
Are they all spin and no solutions?
Another issue that is concerning to me is all the alarmist and absurd news and videos intended to cause panic, attract viewers, and keep you in the spin cycle. Trauma bonding, which is very harmful to the soul, is when someone repeatedly exposes you to horrific visions of things that we really don't need to see.
I am on the record to object to graphic videos showing people getting hit by trains, having seizures that lead to death, and other such horrific images. Just like I would not watch a video showing someone being raped, murdered, or beaten to a pulp; and I will not subject my eyes, mind, heart and soul to seeing images of child abuse or animal abuse. What is the point? I know it exists and all it does is harm my soul. Many people say they feel even more helpless, hopeless and deeply disturbed and distraught by these images. What is the point? It does not help. There are other ways of sharing the information that does not result in this deep trauma imprinting.
Why in the world would I expose myself to those horrific images? I want to keep my vessel as pristine as possible. Now many of you will say, “Peggy, people have to see those things so they will understand what is going on.” Think about that statement for a moment. Is it really true? Didn’t you realize what was going on without being exposed to those traumatic images? Reading about things and SEEING THE IMAGES are very different. I believe that some prominent figures who promote such abusive, unnecessary images are no worse than the government fear peddlers. When I see certain presenters ALWAYS screaming “the sky is falling,” without solutions or strategies, only the spin — it raises a red flag in my mind.
Are they constantly promoting “GLOBAL/International” solutions?
As bad as not offering solutions is the group of people who focus on “global/international” solutions.
Friends, there is nothing an international group can do for you. The ONLY solutions are LOCAL. I find it strange when people are shouting out against the WHO and the WEF, procliaming themselves the “anti-gloablists” — but then they have actual globes (sometimes two or three) in the background of their video. Is that a secret symbol — or a simple coincidence?
More than that are those who constantly press for international movements to save the day. Can’t you see that this is another incremental way of pushing for the one world (dis)order? What happens in Italy or Germany or South Africa has very little to do with you in Kansas, California or Oklahoma. Solutions are BEST created locally. For heaven’s sake, I can’t even agree with the decisions of the HOA board in the area where I live, so how in WORLD (see what I did there?) could some international organization represent me accurately, adequately and appropriately?
It raises my eyebrows when I hear people about speaking out against the WEF and international control, but then they float around international declarations, push international laws, and host international conferences. There is nothing wrong with learning about what other countries are doing; but other countries have NO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over the US. And I reject those who keep pushing for such “solutions.”
I’m also curious when people keep bringing up the Nuremberg code, for instance. While I agree with the principles set forth in this code, keep in mind that the Nuremberg Code is not a law... and even if it were, it would be an international law, and we are not governed by international law. If we're attempting to avoid globalism, why would you want to place more importance on an international rule of law or code of ethics? We have strong laws in place each in state and the federal government that reflect the spirit of the Nuremberg Code. Those are the laws that should be highlighted, not an international code that has no enforcement in the United States.
I’ve made several videos about the Nuremberg Code. Here’s one to watch.
Are they constantly promoting “DEMOCRACY?”
Language is another thing to be on the lookout for. It is very easy to overlook statements such as “Let’s preserve democracy" and “defending democracy.”
Friends, I’ve done videos about this in the past, and I will continue to do so. Here is one where I highlight the bumbler-in-chief’s hogwashing of our Republic and pushing democracy instead. Click to watch.
Although we have a democratic process where we have (s)elected officials to represent us, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY.
In fact, nowhere in the Constitution does the word “democracy” appear.
In a pure democracy, the majority rules, which means it is the will of the people. And therefore, the people can make any laws they want.
In the United States, we have a Constitutional Republic with a representative form of government.
And the Constitution restrains what laws can (legitimately) be created.
In other words, in a Democracy, the people decide. In a Constitutional Republic, the Constitution decides.
I know that our Constitution has been trampled on and shredded. In my home state of California, it is evident that the public serpents do not care at all about the will of the people or the constraints of the Constitution.
I understand and recognize that a democracy involves the participation of the people. However, it is important to understand that this is describing a majority rule without restraint by constitutional checks, and limitations. A constitutional republic is a brilliant way of diffusing power. Of course, there are democratic elements, but America was not created to be, nor is it, a democracy.
I am deeply troubled by those who incrementally push this idea of the United States as a democracy.
Instead of saying, “fighting for democracy,” why can’t they say: “fighting for freedom!”
That, my friends, is one of the biggest red flags of all.
I’ve also explained recent court rulings that raised red flags for me. Many people only read the headlines, but there is much more to the legal process and much more detail to a case than simply the title. In nearly every case I've seen, the courts have left wording that presents a troubling loophole. Like the premise that the governor, for example, cannot force you to become a pin cushion, but the legislature may... No, the legislature cannot since it would violate your constitutional rights as well as various privacy statutes.
I'll also add that I think parts of the "Progressive Movement's" agendas are being smuggled into the Freedom movement by chaos agents, bad actors, fakes, phonies, and frauds. Oh you know, things like climate emergency, “gender justice,” smart technology, etc.. And while everyone is mired in the right vs. left paradigm, I just maintain my concentration and draw distinctions between right and wrong.
Are they focusing on “covid cures” instead of our rights being crushed?
One more thing that bothers me about this, and I'll let you look into it more (start with my last substack “Digging Deeper into Disease”), is those who keep harping on about "covid's" existence.
I know this is a very controversial subject. I know that many Healthy Americans have told me that they had covid and that a loved one passed away from covid. My heart goes out to all those who have suffered such tragedies.
However, I am concerned that the narrative of a “virus escaping a biolab” gets so much play. It keeps the emotions running high (and remember, emotional and fearful people are easier to control); it keeps people riveted to the news in case there is new “evidence” of viruses “mutating” and getting “gain of function.”
Friends, when you start to dig deeper, you’ll find that there is very little — in fact, NO evidence — that viruses actually exist. Again, read this for my detailed analysis of my postion: Digging Deeper into Disease
So when doctors go on and on about everybody that they've “cured” from covid, that raises a red flag for me. I'm not saying people don't get sick, but it may just be that people are being severely misled. Here is a video I did on why some people get sick from “covid”, and what could be causing it. Click to watch.
Who is being heavily promoted in the media?
Friends, the mainstream media merry-go-round ONLY promotes what it wants people to see. What about everyone who frequently guest stars on one another's shows? What narratives do they promote? What court cases are highlighted in the news? Is it just cases brought by the government or large organizations?
For the past 3 years I have been fighting for you, for me, for the State of California and for the United States of America! Do you think I can get even get one press release picked up while battling for you and for me in what is perhaps one of the most significant cases in Orange County and in all of California? Can you believe that I've never even been questioned about my activism by a local news station? The truth is that many news organizations don't agree with my truth because it doesn't match their agenda or storyline.
Yes, there are amazing individuals who have shown up in mainstream merry-go-mound media like mothers fighting the school boards, so I'm not painting a broad swath, but these are things that I look at and I wonder why I see the same circles of people going around in the media.
In conclusion, I want to leave you with the most crucial questions to consider when attempting to discern who is the real deal:
Do they ever give you action steps to take?
Do they help you advocate for yourself?
Do they merely instill dread and keep you in the spin cycle?
Have they supported or justified any of the tyranny? Who do they partner with and who funds their work? Are the speaking out against vaccines and tests but taking them anyway? Are they requiring negative test results or proof of vaccines in order to attend one of their events? I’ve heard of all these situations and more.
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These are the main points that come to mind when I am reading, watching and observing those who are prominent figures in the freedom movement.
Let me know in a comment below what I can add to this list.
Each of us needs to do our own research and rely on our own critical thinking and discernment when it comes to knowing who to trust. I may have even shared the state with certain people whose sincerity I now doubt. You might wonder that about me, and it’s common for people to have inquires about others. You ought to be aware of who you are promoting, supporting, or interacting with. A deeper look into others can help dispel any uncertainties, enabling you to support them with confidence because you are aware of who the person is, their background, connections, and position on certain topics.
I believe it's important to raise questions, but I'm not interested in pointing fingers or exposing anyone. It just comes down to figuring out what is really going on, who of the many voices you can believe in, and whether the information is valuable, trustworthy, and helpful.
Peggy, I’ve been with you from the start. I knew immediately in March of 2020 that things weren’t lining up. Something was so wrong. I was a teacher and you know what happened there! I remember having the tv on and the commercials were all geared to the goings on around me. It was orchestrated and I felt sick inside. It wasn’t right. And I started digging for information. I found you. I found others. I started researching and reading. I have never stopped. You, my friend, have remained my constant, although others have come and gone.
I appreciate all the work you and your husband have put forth. I admire your steadfast ability to remain a strong, positive force amid the chaos. I have a little “Peggy” in me now. Thank you for that.
I stand with you! Beth
Thank you!!! Someone needed to write this. Having been able to ferret out controlled opposition long before the scamdemic, I pretty much escaped being led down the primrose path. There was one high profile "freedom fighter" who had me fooled for a few months, but then one day he started saying a name (bad guy) and switched mid-word to a different name. I could almost see the thoughts in his head: "I can't say that name, my handlers will be as angry with me, and I might lose my funding." I turned off his video, and now I ignore him. I was telling my friends in February of 2020, "Do not go along with this fear psy-op. If you give in on even the smallest item of their agenda, you are working for them, even if you do not believe you are.
People ask: how can there be a conspiracy going on for centuries, to enslave us? How could so many people keep these secrets over decades and centuries.? Here is just one example from the scamdemic. Supposedly, the US border with Mexico was closed to auto traffic for about two years ...yet it was never closed. I crossed that border five times (at different ports of entries) when the media was saying it was closed. Actually, the lines were much longer to cross, than in the past. After the Jonestown jab was introduced, no Mexican I saw in line at the border was asked for vax status, even though this was required for foreign nationals entering the US. NOBODY had to keep the secret that the border was really open, as long as the media was saying it was closed. One can keep a secret in plain sight...if information is being controlled.