If you’re like me, you probably have attended at least one board meeting, rally, protest or march over the last (nearly) three years, demonstrating your disgust and outrage at these endless “emergency” measures that have suffocated so many in so many ways.
I personally began attending these board meetings along with many freedom fighters in May of 2020, and while we were successful in getting rid of the suffocation devices and the “human pin cushion” verification program, this board continues its “endless emergency” for reasons no sane, rational person can agree with. Along with thousands of other freedom fighters, I sent letters to the county board, the first of which was dated June 1, 2020 (A portion of that letter is included below).
All this to say that these public serpents have been on notice of their egregious freedom-oppressing actions for nearly THREE YEARS.
But now, there is a GLIMPSE of relief:
The Orange County Board of Supervisors has terminated the local “health emergency” for RSV.
RSV is “respiratory syncytial virus” which causes cold/flu-like symptoms mainly in infants and toddlers. Be sure to watch my video about the RSV emergency, and why there were no legitimate grounds to call for it.
There is a curious connection between this fake emergency and an OC doctor who is – wait for it – developing his OWN “cocktail” for the RSV. Remember: there has to be an “emergency” for the “emergency” authorization of the cocktail! Nothing to see here folks!
The OC Board of Supervisors had on its agenda Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022 to CONTINUE this fake, phony, fraudulent emergency; but due to the outpouring of an increasing number of people who are standing up against the egregious measures, the board instead passed a resolution to TERMINATE the (fake) RSV emergency!
Click here for my coverage in yesterday’s video.
Agenda revision S33E: https://board.ocgov.com/sites/bos.egovoc.com/files/2022-12/rev-sup12202022_11.pdf
The law that the local health officers have been relying on for their authority to call these emergencies is California government code 101080.
The law clearly states that the local board shall review the need for continuing the local health emergency at least every 30 days and proclaim the termination of the emergency at the earliest date the conditions warrant the termination. This is the crux of my lawsuit against the board.
“The board of supervisors, or city council, if applicable, shall review, at least every 30 days until the local health emergency is terminated, the need for continuing the local health emergency and shall proclaim the termination of the local health emergency at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant the termination.” CA HSC 101080
The law requires the board to terminate the local health emergency that is happening in its county at the earliest date that conditions warrant the termination. Not when the money runs out, not when nobody ever gets sick or dies again etc…
Many of you stood up and spoke out against the RSV local health emergency, which helped bring it to an end. We need to keep up the public pressure because the local health emergency for covid is still in effect nearly three years later!
Here’s one of the countless emails I sent to the county, clearly EDUCATING them on the law. They remain ignorant, incompetent and ineffective. Oh – and yes, they likely are intentionally deceiving us for their own material gain.
I put the board on notice because the law is clear. The local board is required to terminate the local health emergency at the earliest date that the conditions warrant. This is not discretionary, it is a law and they are legally bound to carry out this duty — and this is the nature of my lawsuit.
Lawsuit Update
The courts are currently giving me the runaround. A judge was on the verge of ruling on the case (read all about that here), but he was removed at the last minute. Then the case was given to another judge that I believe booted it to another person. My case was then referred to a third judge, who is retiring at the end of this month. Despite being assigned the case two weeks before the hearing, the judge claimed he had not read it and was therefore unable to rule.
Hmm… Two weeks prior to the hearing, the judge receives the case on the docket but does not read it? Sounds legit.
Please go watch my video about judicial ethics… So now my case has been continued until January 20th. The good news is that we are going to depose Clayton Chau, the health officer that was issuing all of these orders and supposedly supplying reports to the board of supervisors.
The kicker is that the board of supervisors basically stated that they do not need any information because they will simply wait for the governor to tell them what to do.
The board effectively indicated that it doesn’t have to carry out its legislative duties and has delegated such duties to the governor. That type of political system does not exist in the United States. We do not live under one-man rule.
Friends, I really believed that if I educated this board of supervisors, they would understand the law and follow it. All they have to do is convene a meeting and vote to continue or terminate the local health emergency for covid. They will not even hold the meeting, which is an obvious violation of the law. They must do so at least once every 30 days. It does not read "unless in the event of an emergency," because the law states what they MUST do in the event of an emergency.
I'm mourning the loss of principles. I assumed these people actually cared about us. I know now that many of you were miles ahead of me. Even though a lot of you emailed me to say that I was wasting my time and effort, there wasn't a better option. As these public serpents flagrantly break the law, I couldn't just watch and do nothing. I must fight as hard as I can — and I have learned SO much in the process.
I must do this for my own integrity, dignity, and self-respect, as well as for you.
I am fighting for you.
I want to prevent this from turning into a lava flow that consumes the entire country. They are intentionally starting with California and doing this in Orange County. I believe that the RSV emergency was a trial run to see if they could get away with it once more. Another emergency? You've got to be kidding. People will not fall for this any more.
Why does this board of supervisors continue to disregard the law in the case of the “covid” emergency? Please tell me.
I need to hear from you because, aside from prayer, I am at a loss for how to deal with someone's willful deceit as well as their stupidity or incompetence. The only way to stop these people from associating with evil is for their hearts to move away from darkness and toward the light of truth.
I'm investing all of my energy, my life essence, my attention, my time, my money, everything I have into this lawsuit because it's about defending our political system, which is made up of three distinct co-equal pillars of government. It is about safeguarding our Constitutional Republic – it is not a flawless system, but it is the greatest system available.
So I am saddened by the reality that these public personnel are dreadfully uninformed and inadequate in their professions, and that many of them are deliberately deceiving you and betraying your trust.
Friends, if you are as agitated and outraged as I am. YOU can help me fight.
You can pray for me. You can send me a word of encouragement.
You can send me a card or letter using the information I've provided below. There is an email link if you would rather use that.
If you are at all able to support this legal fund, I need your help.
In order to hold these individuals who have broken the law accountable, I want to continue this litigation, but I need your support.
If you are as outraged as I am about this board giving up, giving in, and attempting to destroy our political system, support me in this fight.
While kids are on break and not in school, parents/people with drones need to check the school roofs in your area for "cellular network boxes". I found some while working on a roof. If in view, they'll hide them behind fake wall surrounds. They also have big wires running up the side of the building to the small boxes. I assume they will be turned up to create an outbreak among students and staff. During the "shutdowns" there was a theory claiming these boxes were being installed in/on schools and would be used to create outbreaks at will. Unfortunately, the first part is true, and if they're able to cause an outbreak, we'll all have to deal with the BS. Whats the odds? The only school roof I've been on, and it happens to have "cellular boxes" hidden on the roof.
Peggy......you have been and continue to be a pillar of truth and decency. Becoming apathetic is not an option. Very much appreciate the person you are and what you do every day!!