Repetition is a time-tested and effective hypnosis technique. New thoughts and ideas can infiltrate the unconscious and take root if the conscious is not paying attention.
Repetition is effective without attention!
Have you ever paused to analyze the meaning of the words "democracy" or "republic"?
Lately, the media and public officials' rhetoric both support the notion that the United States is a democracy, and a large portion of American society today sees little distinction between the two. I want to explain why, in my view, that is intentionally harmful.
In a pure democracy, the majority rule applies, which is not the case in the United States. We live in a Constitutional Republic with a representative form of government and those representatives are chosen by We the People.
A Democracy is controlled by the majority. A Constitutional Republic is controlled by the Constitution.
The reason I call our form of government a Constitutional Republic is because we have a Constitution, which is a contract with we the people, and we give our consent to be governed to those that we elect to represent us.
Are they representing us? Not very well. That is why I call them public “serpents.” It is the “public serpents” that are corrupt, not our form of government. The constitution establishes a framework for effective governance and safeguards our God-given rights.
I understand and recognize that a democracy involves the participation of the people. However, it is important to understand that this is describing a majority rule without restraint by constitutional checks, and limitations.
The design of the United States Constitution embraces representation, the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the protection of our God given rights.
In a Constitutional republic, laws are enacted by representatives that we the people elect, and these laws must be in accordance with the Constitution. Despite the fact that the legislative body has the power to enact laws, they are not free to do as they like. Laws can only be considered legitimate and lawful if they do not contradict the Constitution.
Furthermore, these laws are voted on as a body because our Constitution prohibits the consolidation of power into one branch of government or one single authority.
Words are important.
This constant repetition of democracy is designed to edge us closer to socialism.
There are three main types of government that existed prior to the development of the United States:
Monarchy (rule by one)
Aristocracy (rule by few)
Democracy (rule by many)
All three types of government have a propensity to revert to their "bad forms" where tyranny can take root.
To sustain government based on the will of the people while limiting the excesses of majority rule, an alternative was required. The United States is the only country in the world that was created with a constitutional republican form of government. Our founders disapproved of "pure" or "unrestricted" democracy. Democracy, in its purest form, contains the tendency toward mob control and the suppression of civil liberties.
We are witnessing this today as our religious freedoms are under attack.
A constitutional republic is a brilliant way of diffusing power. Of course, there are democratic elements, but America was not created to be, nor is it, a democracy.
It is important to read between the lines, to think critically and look at the language.
We have a constitutional republic and we should keep it that way.
I just faxed a complaint against Judge McConville and his ruling of canceling the Constitutional Republic, I had the info you sent in my email (case # and name, etc). I don't live in California, but this could spread like a wildfire and I believe NY will be next in line, then other states to follow suit if California gets away with this! I pray for God's love, grace and help for our country now more than ever!
Ive known about our constitutional republic for over 40 yrs. The evil ones have been throwing it out , not following it for a long long time. The politicians and courts dont follow the rule of law . The corruption runs deap in everything . Now they are removing God from everything . Great job Peggy!!! You are doing God's work . He has blessed you & hubby!!